Reviews for Once Upon a Time
kohen chapter 1 . 7/28
That was hard to watch at the time but really interesting to consider Sam's likely state of mind.
For his brother's sake. Love it.
Preston chapter 1 . 5/28
I felt so bad for Sam during that - it was so awful - but, yeah, he was a total badass!
His overriding pain over the loss of Dean obviously played into how he handled the whole thing (because how could it not?) and that was touched upon a bit. Maybe it put all other kinds of pain and torment onto a different level.
The whole thing was heartwrenching. But also interesting.
zekeschance chapter 1 . 5/9
You have to continue this!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3
Love it
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3
What a fantastic story. Thank you so much for sharing and providing us with what might have been the insight to Sam’s thoughts as he was going through the ordeal.
Ginza chapter 1 . 5/3
Lovely, short and sweet. I like it. Thanks for sharing!
Visionairy chapter 1 . 5/3
Very nice! Thank you!
I hope you’re doing well!
sandycub chapter 1 . 5/3
Love seeing Sam so strong here! Even believing Dean had died, he was strong!
iwokeuponthewrongsideoflife chapter 1 . 5/3
That last line pushed me over the edge *sobbing incoherently* this says so much with so little, thank you!
shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod chapter 1 . 5/3
I love your take on how Sam now views his place in the world after everything they've been through. Short but definitely poignant!
NinjaDevil2000 chapter 1 . 5/3
Amazing. Absolutely amazing.
stedan chapter 1 . 5/3
That was short, but very moving. Love it.
sandybeliever chapter 1 . 5/3
Love this and that he was going to give Dean that funeral he wanted.