Reviews for Shift
Alice's White Rabbit chapter 12 . 17h
I can't even imagine having a parent like Charlie! What an ass! But, thank God, Bella has Masen as a friend, and he stood up to him. And, I'm really glad Bella stood up to Charlie. He really doesn't deserve having her in his life, and Bella certainly doesn't need him in hers.

As much as in the end, it didn't work out for Bella and Masen, this was a really sweet beginning for them.

gabby1017 chapter 12 . 7/27
I can see why you feel strongly about this chapter... It was tender and sweet.
I'm sorry I missed the zoom session... always late to the party... But I've backed away a bit.
Just being quiet. HUGS!
roxiegirl chapter 12 . 7/27
Love love love this chapter. Mase is so smitten with Bella. And she can’t see it. But wait, I think she can now. ;) ty!
Gigileexo chapter 12 . 7/27
I never thought I'd say this because I'm a total B&E girl at heart, but I really loved this chapter! I'm liking their progression and banter. Masen was pretty sweet once upon a time.
-Gigi xo
NKubie chapter 12 . 7/26
This really is such a sweet chapter for Bella and Masen. I'm so glad she got away from her douchebag sperm donor. And I love that Masen stood up for her too. Now I want to know what turns Masen into a cheating manwhore.

Sorry RL is such a bitch right now, and not just for you. We're all feeling it. I just hope things get figured out soon, but I'm not holding my breath. And not thrilled with the current plan either. I don't think we're ready for kids to go back in the schools.

Stay safe and well!
Moltz chapter 12 . 7/26
Rose has been there for Bella from the beginning.
Masen should have found a way to put the screws to the Chief.
NeeNee246 chapter 12 . 7/25
This is great! ;)
trisha63 chapter 12 . 7/25
I loved this chapter update and you are definitely right as this was a turning point for Bella and Masen. Edward and Bella's relationship was not a good fit, not really considering her broken home and struggles and he had it pretty easy growing up. Now Masen and Bella are two peas in a pod as they both understand what it's like to come from broken homes and to be not wealthy. Plus, there is a sweetness to Masen in the beginning that cocky Edward didn't have to start with. I want to say congratulations on the kiddos going back to school, but in this epidemic I'm sure you are quite worried, with just cause. I know my son and daughter-in-law are struggling with what to do with their 10 year old. My granddaughter is almost 4 and is in daycare now and seems to be doing well, but it's private and nowhere as crowded as public school will be for the other kiddo. These are troubling times indeed! Take care and stay safe, Trisha :}
sue1zide chapter 12 . 7/25
I am so in love with Masen right now. It's so sad he died. He was a noble man.
What went wrong between them?
I think that this is the 1st time that I wouldn't mind Bella & Edward not being together.
polyphany chapter 12 . 7/25
Love it! ;-)
bbmassey88 chapter 12 . 7/25
Even though I have always been a Edward and Bella fan, I really love Masen in this story!️
princeselisa chapter 12 . 7/25
liela-k chapter 12 . 7/25
really loved this update. they are so cute together. I cant wait for the reaction them being together is going to have.
but I wonder why bella never wanted to go to school. did she want to work at the ice cream shop for forever because I'm imagining the options in a small town are limited. and yea I know you don't always need a degree but I'm just trying to see what she saw for her future.
SassYNoleS chapter 12 . 7/25
This whole chapter was amazing !

You could feel the love, the protectiveness, the trust, the desire, and all the other emotions that lead to the beautiful kiss between Masen and Bella .. It was just beautifully written !

And I absolutely love the shit out of these two crazy kids !

Thank you for sharing and cannot wait for more Xx
Squkymun chapter 12 . 7/25
Loved it! I think one of the reasons that Bella fell for Mase (as more than a friend) is because he seems to be the first (and only) person that has actually stood up for her. I mean, he stood up to Charlie for her. Mase is also a total sweetheart and I would fall for him too! Are me going to see when this relationship starts to go downhill? I’m interested to see what caused/made Mase do what he did. Thanks for sharing!
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