Reviews for The Royal Flush
heart.dramione chapter 1 . 6/1
love it! cute poker card scenes!
MsAwesome2u chapter 1 . 5/19
Very sweet story. I especially loved the interaction between her and Ron at the fireplace. I wished there had been more quirky moments before it ended. I thoroughly enjoyed those parts. Great work!
Calindy chapter 1 . 5/7
mimifreed chapter 1 . 5/6
1. Sweet baby Lucius. I can’t. I love him so much.
3. The sass.

I loved this so much. It was hilarious and sweet and heartfelt. I love that Draco was indecisive and nervous and I love bamf hermione. Loved it.
THGHPTVD.2 chapter 1 . 5/1
That's so cute! I adore this fanfiction. Well done. Thank you for writing
randomxhuman chapter 1 . 5/1
This is amazing! This was the second story on here and it was exactly what I wanted to read! Keep up the good work!
JuliSt chapter 1 . 4/30
I really enjoyed this story so much :) Your Draco was so sweet with reading all of his books and making big gestures. I love how Lucius slowly changed his ways and became a better person. Narcissa dying was quite the catalyst. Poor Dennis though, lol. Hermione and her big heart deserve her happy ending.
JayBat chapter 1 . 4/30
I love the poker blow-by-blow, and poor Creavy, he'll just never be cool. :-)