Reviews for crushes and relationships
Guest chapter 1 . 7/15
Awww so cute and funny, love the plot twist
Dyako f. F chapter 1 . 6/16
I loved the ending so much! It was such an expectation subversion, but it worked so well!
homosexual-hogwarts chapter 1 . 6/16
this is one of my favorite tropes and I love how you wrote it omg
emryses chapter 1 . 4/30
i was all like "how are they going to set them up" and "omg they like each other but won't admit it" and fangirling ahhhh.
but then i find out that they're already together lmaoooooo and that's honestly even better. ron & neville "setting them up" omg. and you mADE IT SOUND LIKE DRACO AND HARRY WERE HESITANT and they were such good actors i love them i-
this was so adorable love. draco & harry's characterization was sooo cute omg. and your descriptions of them in the last scene made my heart melt ahhh
amazing writing, as always. thank you for gifting this to me! this fic was so cute & so are you 3