Reviews for Remnants of the Worlds
ProfesorGoblitz chapter 2 . 7/2
1). Glad we started with eri, as well as many scenes with her

2). There is no such thing as half-Faunus, you either are or are not

3). Plz continue
Umbra.Venator chapter 2 . 6/20
interesting idea having Naruto, Natsu, Izuku and Shiro and their respective allies in the RWBY-verse but you may have too many characters now to focus on, probably could would have been easier to only brought Naruto, Natsu, Izuku, Eri and one more finish up the team, that way it would be much easier to focus on each character
triscythe59 chapter 2 . 5/8
Interesting story so far. Looking forward to the next chapters.
ArashiSenju chapter 1 . 5/4
Nice first chapters but pairings id like to see is naruto/Pyrrha, izuku/ruby and natsu/Weiss. I haven’t watched fate stay night to know about his character
fpinheiro96 chapter 1 . 5/2
Great start! Can't wait for the next chapter!
BJJF691 chapter 1 . 5/1
Excellent, you should add'Full metal alchemist' too.
Black saber chapter 1 . 4/30
Awesome. If Naruto is 17 then that means he is after the war. The Pairing naruto x ruby
Shattering chapter 1 . 4/30
Booo, this is bad. You're too much of a novice to write good multi crossover. Start with easy mode first bro. Do a regular crossover and get a beta reader.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29
I like this chapter, though your grammar needs some work. Also does naruto have access to any of the KCM modes? Other than that good chapter.
aldojuhansifa chapter 1 . 4/29
Nice story, i will wait for more
ProfesorGoblitz chapter 1 . 4/29
Hmm interesting, at what point are talking here?

My guesses are :
Naruto - just after pain
Izuku - after he caught overhaul
Natsu - don’t have enough info
Shirou - after grail war as usual
Bob2007 chapter 1 . 4/29
There is no such thing as a "Half" faunus. You either are or aren't. If you got animal parts, you're a faunus. chapter 1 . 4/29
Thanksfor the chapter the grammar needs a little bit improving and would've liked to see shirou fighting too hope you keep the power balance between the four characters right please update again would like to read more
Giblenator chapter 1 . 4/29
Grammar bro. You need a beta reader or something.
OtsutsukiMadara chapter 1 . 4/29
Hmm. I don't really get why Naruto would leave the fight with ajeel. Dude is way weaker than him in any form that involves kurama. Even more of a stomp if it's six paths Naruto.