Reviews for Little Rabbit
An Echo In Time chapter 17 . 18h
Your story brings me so much joy! You’ve got all the canon characters down pat and your OC is awesome! I hope you continue writing this fic!
itbeanime chapter 17 . 8/25
I can’t wait for things to start picking up!
greeneyeslover12 chapter 16 . 8/19
Omg Saitama. Why?
Dray chapter 16 . 8/18
Lol That Misunderstanding. Very funny.
itbeanime chapter 16 . 8/16
I love thisss I want to know what saitama thinks about her new abilities
EddaValkyrie chapter 15 . 8/13
I really like this storyit's so good!
itbeanime chapter 15 . 8/9
I ship her with everybody
itbeanime chapter 14 . 7/30
Duuuuddde what if this was why her father didn’t want her to become a hero?! Ahhhh I can’t wait to see where this goes!
Babykat570 chapter 13 . 7/27
Please update more, I really enjoy the development between Miyu and Garou.
JessTheSloth chapter 13 . 7/24
Hello! I just discovered this story and I love it so far! I love your characterization of each character, how the storyline is progressing, and how Miyu is slowly growing stronger as the chapters go on. It’s such a natural progression and her tenacity is endearing, she’s such a loveable character.
Thank you so much for writing and updating this! I’m looking forward to how this story progresses and to see how far Miyu goes!
itbeanime chapter 13 . 7/24
What is she has some secret power that has been dormant all her life and it’s about to come out like ahajfiiendvsi
toraffles chapter 12 . 7/24
with all this mention of metal bat, I'm thinking... with miyu's cuteness and her Youthful Determination (plus the fact she can actually fight a little), how much do you wanna bet that she would get metal bat Pumped Up?
itbeanime chapter 12 . 7/8
Brooo is she gonna answer or decline?
itbeanime chapter 11 . 7/1
Oohhhh that sneaky little snake and Miyu is catching onnnnn
itbeanime chapter 10 . 6/17
I love how she can make friends with anybody
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