Reviews for A Study in Runes
Niel2804 chapter 5 . 6/24
too many ff potray ron as alcoholic living messed up life, hermione leave him for draco or other slytherin ex death eater, i'll try to read more chapter to decide if this is ron bashing story or not
Niel2804 chapter 4 . 6/24
readi it, and why all of them are divorced ? its sad
TroyWeb chapter 27 . 6/20
This was a very well written fan fic. The scene moved by quickly and there were no boring chapters. The ending tied together all of the loose ends.
TroyWeb chapter 18 . 6/20
Padma makes an excellent tour guide. Harry and Ron wandering around like a pair of British tourists is comical.
TroyWeb chapter 16 . 6/20
Now the trio has dragged Padma into their mad plot. Padma should run away as fast as she can. She was in Ravenclaw, so she doesn't know how quickly Ron and Harry's little adventures turn into utter chaos.
TroyWeb chapter 15 . 6/20
Harry, Ron and Daphne fight well as a group.
TroyWeb chapter 12 . 6/20
Ron finally got his wish. He made it to Wizarding Heliopolis for the Phoenix Festival. This was the best chapter so far. The chance to see a place so mystical took Ron out of his previous troubled mindset. Harry and Daphne's bickering was the only distraction. Maybe Ron needs to avoid the people in his life that argue the most.

I was surprised to see Padma show up in Egypt of all places. I wish there were more Padron shippers in HP fanfiction. It would be interesting to see Ron's life married to Padma instead of Hermione.
TroyWeb chapter 10 . 6/20
How can I join the Daphne bashing campaign with Harry and Ron? It sounds like one of those cool fraternities with secret handshakes and a mascot. I'm willing to sign up with a blood quill.
TroyWeb chapter 9 . 6/20
I sense a higher power at play to get Daphne to need assistance from both Ron and Harry. Maybe there is another prophesy orb in the Ministry of Magic that no one knows about. At least this will give Ron and Harry a chance to repair their friendship. JK Rowling never really understood what it meant to be best mates. There were too many useless arguments in canon.

Ron showed his knowledge in analyzing the Egyptian and Celtic runes so quickly. It was a cunning move to negotiate his way into becoming the Lead Rune Master for Gringotts. It seems like he needs that type of stability in his life more than the galleons. Unfortunately that will force him to work with Daphne on a regular basis. Maybe Ron should find a foreign Gringotts branch office. He doesn't necessarily have to work in the London, England main office.
TroyWeb chapter 6 . 6/20
I enjoyed your theories about Celtic runes and Druidic magic. Ron made a good choice in studying a less popular form of runes. Are you planning any future stories with Ron and Bill? I think Bill and Fleur would be a good balance for Ron. I hope the Celtic Rune Master can get past his alcoholism and just have a normal life. Seven years of Hogwarts madness was enough for anyone.
TroyWeb chapter 3 . 6/20
Ron Weasley getting his mastery in Runes is an original idea. Very few fan fic writers allow Ron to have a specialty of his own. It's a change of pace for Ron to be more than the husband of the brightest witch of her generation.
Hank1967 chapter 27 . 6/2
Excellent end to the story! Enjoyed the goddess' interference with Nott's plan and her rescue of Harry. Does Harry have a new female fan? Is he going to become an interest of the Morrighan? Also, is this the last we've heard of Potter, Weasley and Greengrass? I do hope that you will be gifting us with another story (or two or three...) set in this universe. The ending was a bit short - I would have liked it drawn out for a few more thousand words to capture everything that was going on. For instance, why is the Morrighan interested in Astoria? Why (for Heavens sake!) did Harry kiss Daphne before he left for Italy? Enquiring minds want to know! Please give us a new story!
Hank1967 chapter 26 . 5/24
Now that was an interesting twist! Only Harry would get a personal visit from the Morrighan! Glad to see that Harry is being given another chance at fixing this. Interesting list of things that he needs to accomplish. Are you sure one chapter is going to be enough to resolve all of this? Looking forward to it!
Hank1967 chapter 25 . 5/21
Excellent chapter! Loved all of the intricate planning involved. Also glad to see your use of the two heads is better than one rule and not have one person come up with all of the answers. Great job with that. Made the chapter very interesting. Can't wait to see what's next!
LordTony chapter 24 . 5/18
Why does Daphne hate Harry so much?
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