Reviews for Muggle Magic
leopardblack chapter 18 . 10h
I absolutely fell in love with this version of drarry. Their relationship. How Draco is such a gentleman.. ugh swooooooon. I wish there was a Sequel
MrsSlythindor chapter 18 . 7/12
I would be lying if I said that I didn't wish there were 20 more chapters ;) I really loved the story and the idea of Harry not knowing anything about magic. I liked your Draco that was open to learn about the things he was told to despise and Jill and Jacky obviously are the best friends one can ever wish to have.
So thank you for writing this story and sharing it with us. I hope to read more of you soon.
LunarThestral chapter 18 . 7/11
I really enjoyed this story. I was surprised by the turn it took with Bellatrix and definitely wasn't ready for it to end. I'll be back if you ever decide to write a sequel!
person chapter 13 . 7/8
nice last line
i was wondering what would happen when Draco met James and Lily. This is fantastic.
Poor Draco though. He didn't know
Also, how come you ended the story?
Ben chapter 1 . 7/5
Could have a good book but had to pollute the story with another lgbt story line. Nothing against the community just think some people have way to many fantasies that destroy the Harry Potter universe
dinothadd chapter 18 . 7/5
eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
JaiJayce chapter 18 . 7/5
Great story and such a refreshing read!
Sakura-Cherryblossom4 chapter 18 . 7/2
Love! I do feel fulfilled.
Though this is the kinda story that I could see spitting out a couple one shots. You know Harry struggling and Draco finding great amusement in it, before helping his boyfriend out.
That would be the best!
Thanks for this story.
1saaa chapter 18 . 7/2
Nice job. I really enjoyed this story. Thank you for writing it.
person chapter 12 . 6/28
You must keep writing. I may only be on chapter 12 going into 13, but I must have more of this!
person chapter 10 . 6/28
ouaaa, they is so cute
MrsSlythindor chapter 15 . 6/28
Bellatrix is trying to bring the Dark Lord back. I hope she is crazy enough to not succeed. I also hope that Draco can save Harry with the help of the Potters...or Evans'. His parents are most likely not interested in saving Harry... I can't wait for the next chapter!
Sakura-Cherryblossom4 chapter 15 . 6/28
My thoughts on this chapter are as follows.
Is Harry’s magic doing what it can to keep him alive ie. not freezing to death and helping him to not die of dehydration or starvation?
If so is that the reason he can’t use magic as he wants because he’s constantly using up his supply?
Or are there wards blocking Apparating and his magic?
Is it a combination of both?
Lastly if his walls broke down and he created water could that mean there had been a block on his magic only allowing a very small trickle till now and he’s broken past it?
Was the magical exhaustion so great from defeating Voldemort that it’s affected him this long?
I have so many questions!
Love the story thanks for warning that it would get dark. I’m not a big fan of dark storylines or gore, but you have built such an interesting mystery into it that, well I’m here for the mystery and great character building you’ve done.
So thanks for writing Drarry, there’s not enough.
mowonica chapter 15 . 6/27
ah this is so soon! thx xxx
person chapter 6 . 6/25
this is very good
please keep updating
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