Reviews for What's Rightfully Hers
Guikoi chapter 1 . 5/5
Nitocris mentions getting pregnant, but she's a Servant and therefore cannot actually get pregnant.

Well, that's not entirely true. If she was incarnated with a Holy Grail then she could get pregnant, because then she'd be alive and with a physical body.

So, remember kids, if you Grail your Servants you can fuck 'em until they're knocked up (or you're knocked up)!

So, if you have a particular waifu you love, like Altera, Mordred, Kiara, Meltlilith, Abigail, Jack, Jeanne, or any other number of waifus and/or husbandos... remember to Grail them so they can get pregnant.

I mean... getting upwards of 8 legendary heroes pregnant has GOT to nab you some fucking bragging rights!
T-B-R chapter 1 . 4/23
Fufufu, he got the chocolate bunny for easter~
camilo navas chapter 1 . 4/21
Short but good, could you also make one of only SiegxJeanne please?
Sistamara chapter 1 . 4/20
Sistamara chapter 1 . 4/20
Short, sweet, and got. Anyway I know that Nitocris was referring to them as a couple but the use of "our" a whole lot gave me Jack vibes