Reviews for Radiance
talestocryover chapter 1 . 5/20
First, let me preface with this, "I love this show." I discovered it only a few weeks ago and am up to the present episode. That's the killer. I want to continue binging. Now, that I have about "suspending disbelief." A statement made by the Sharon Stone character in Basic Instinct, concerning how to be a successful writer. Remember, I love this show.
Are there hair salons underwater? The hairstyles are trendy and diverse. Guy or gal, their hair is fantastic. Now, concerning diverse..evidently, no matter where on the globe there are tribes, they all are racially diverse. Even apparently inter-racial. Remember, I LOVE this show.
Tia? Why doesn't she have a Russian accent? At times she sounds as if one of the housewives of New Jersey.
The three way love affair is a great idea, now it is two...with one looking in from the outside.
Are you guys rooting for Ben and Ryn to ride off, or swim off into the sunset, or should they invite Maddie to their bed?
cheryl24 chapter 1 . 5/15
This is what I want with the season finale!