Reviews for A Son's Duty
tallsunshine12 chapter 1 . 7/28
What a sweet - and bittersweet - story you have here. I like the way you describe how the guys rely on each other. Just hearing their guns and grenades gives a 'safe enough' feeling.
smc chapter 1 . 4/19
Kirby's response to Littlejohn's concern about his mom's fears shows the depth of their friendship. So nicely written
Katladycrazy chapter 1 . 4/18
Thank you again for giving me time to spend with the sort of men i grew up around and admired. Watching Combat with my Dad was a time i treasured, as well as a history lesson. He, his uncles, and most of his friends served in the war. They seldom spoke of their service. Your portraits of Littlejohn, Kirby, et al, give me fleshed out visions of what so many men could not share with their families and friends. I will never meet you, but thank you for allowing me to become acquainted with you through your writings. Please continue to write when you can. Be safe, be healthy!
Pine6553 chapter 1 . 4/17
Beautifully written.
smc chapter 1 . 4/17
What a soul searching story. Every story that you write makes each character more a human being than a story on paper. You are amazing. Each story takes me from my problems. Having Littlejohn as the center of the story, he doesn't always get a lot of attention. (However, your Saunders stories are the best!).
churchlady63 chapter 1 . 4/17
Wow, this was almost a tear jerker. How darn sweet that Kirby was able to say what Littlejohn needed to hear. I love Kirby and i love how you write him. Littlejohns reassurances to his Ma were nice too, how he said what the loud sounds meant to him. So real.
Thanks so much for writing!