Reviews for Millions of Dreams
Kisuru-chan chapter 8 . 3/30/2015
I had fun reading this story, and I'm sad you stopped right before the crew started filming the movie. Considering the character chemistry among all the pairs so far this would've been interesting to see play itself out. Seishirou and Yuuto's friendship, Subaru to Kamui, etc. Oh, and especially Subaru and Seishirou getting used to their roles as onmyouji and sakura assassin, of course.

I also have the feeling Sakura is more than she appears. And maybe might not be Subaru and Hokuto's real sister to begin with, but... I have nothing to really base this on. She gives off mysterious vibes sometimes without being totally explicit about what's going on in her head. Though she is suspicious sans reciting certain lines off from the Tokyo Babylon script to Seishirou a year in advance. Which is always suspicious enough in itself. Having that little conspiracy underneath the surface of the X movie to begin with might've been interesting in its own right.

Speaking of the Tokyo Babylon script I wonder how Seishirou would react to finishing it. Since he mentions to Karen he hasn't and now she wants to read it. Yet again, he read the X script and should know from that...

... Oh, yes, and you are evil for the end of chapter six still.

Setsuka being Seishirou's brother actually is rather cuteā€”for him to dote on her for once. I suspected that before it was revealed! And Hokuto as the creator of the whole series... heh, that's especially fitting. Definitely when you think of how much she directly/indirectly controls in X.

Well, for what's here this was a humorous take despite X in general and Seishirou's family backstory towards the end (now that's scary for a child). Hokuto snagging CLAMP's creator position for a while must've made her happy, I'll say that.
rain angst chapter 8 . 12/8/2006
This is a great story. I hope you update soon. Poor Subaru, i pity him.
Guest chapter 8 . 11/13/2006
i wanna know moree! seisu n fukam rocks!

Altariel-Jaina chapter 8 . 9/11/2006
I love this!You should really consider going back to it, you need to write more because we need to read more!Your Seishiro is even more charming than the real one...I can't wait to see how Fuuma and Kamui are going to fall for each other...also, your Kotori is way better than the real one(but that's not so difficult ;-)
pikapika chapter 8 . 4/8/2006
update soon!

i luv~ this fic~!

you MUST update this soon!

luv your story!

hey, seishiro would dump karen ne? he'll be with subaru right?

argh i need to read more of these!

i luv your fic the best one i have read today!

update soon okay?

Purrrin chapter 8 . 5/16/2005
Great! This story is very funny, very sweet!

Awesome! I really loved it!

Would be great if updated soon! I wanna see how the make the Seishirou-Dying-Scene on the Rainbow bridge!

[Seishirou as the director of X *lol*]

Keep up the good work!


Double chapter 1 . 12/29/2004
UPDATE!i wanna know what's going on between Karen and Seishirou. (Arrange more sweet scenes between Sei-chan and Subaru!) and WHERE is the FK pairing? i wanna see that too! update soon!
little-owl082 chapter 8 . 9/18/2004
hey the story's continue it! Keep going :).. Cheers.. hehe Subaru is so cute in the story. poor him, having to be with 2 evils sister. But i have the feeling that Sakura is not Su's real sister?
deaddesire chapter 8 . 3/12/2004
oh. lil kamui sounds awesome.
Kagemihari chapter 8 . 1/28/2004
Pointless is good, ne? _~ Finally just saw this was updated, gomen nasai! -_- I'm adding you to my author alerts now... The kids are so cute! Especially Shunkei-kun...exactly how I would picture him OOC. *snickers* I really love this story... *sighs happily*
SilkPillow chapter 8 . 1/23/2004
KYA! KAWAII! i can already imagine a young kamui glompin a young fuuma cant wai nex chap! keep it up!
ChibiDragon chapter 8 . 1/19/2004
WAI! XD SO CUTE! I really love this! _
write more plz? *puppy eyes*
uozlulu chapter 8 . 1/18/2004
Why yes I am that author.
Sorry for my review being so late, but as I said in BP I had a huge #$# project to do so that's why. So many fics to catch up on, so little time...
Anyway, wonderful chapter - stalker...::laughs::
ChibiNekoTenshi chapter 8 . 1/14/2004
_ sugoi!sugoi..! when is the Kamui/Fuuma interacting going to start..but i simply love the Subaru/Seishiro..*sigh* you wrote this fic amazingly..something i cant and never will do... *sigh* _ im so happy there are such talented people like you! *bows* *hands her everlasting candy ticket*..._;; *muses drags her away* ENjooys!
Muses: -_- had to see that..its so embarassing..
Liviania chapter 8 . 1/11/2004
Hehe, perfect web of confusion for everyone! _
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