Reviews for For What Awaits
Xaori chapter 4 . 8/2
Aaand, there goes attempt three T_T
Anyway, Starts super creepy, passes on to irrationally cute, but I really can't point out anything that hasn't been said by others already Lol and I better stop typing before I hurt myself T_T
Okay! Now on to Arklay! Can't wait
Xaori chapter 4 . 8/2
Tss... Ff doesn't like my reviews it seems lol I'll just try again. The interrogation was super creepy. The kind that makes your
LittleMissAzure chapter 1 . 8/1
One thing I like about fanfiction is when you come in looking searching for one thing, you come across a story with beautifully written dialogue and moments in scenes that are written so naturally, that you feel yourself gripped through a visceral feeling that curls around your brain through the feeling of anticipation as you scan word by word by word.

And then you remember why you loved fanfiction and fall in love with it all over again. This is a prime example of that experience.

You put so much personality into all the minor characters from S.T.A.R.S. and I just uuuuugh, you're just making my heart hurt from knowing what happens to our dear characters.

Is good shit, I'd love to read more of it!

Master of Fangirling Art chapter 4 . 7/30
This has become one of my favourite monthly dates.

Every time I get the notification and I read the length I'm just happy! 10k words long chapters and you don't even notice it for how flawlessly the reading flows.

I didn't realise we are already THERE. Bravo team has gone missing and... the end of normality begins. It's so sad to read them hoping in getting better and leave that ugly story behind when you know the apocalypse is about to happen.
And I'm loving how Chris acts when Jill is around (still being the same hot head as usual) and Jill's thoughts. She's right, you don't stay up late at night thinking of "a friend"!

I'm glad I found a writer like you, because reading your works is always... a fulfilling experience! It entertains you and attracts you in and, at the same time, at least for a non native like me, you get so impressed by how wonderfully and effortlessly you make words dance. I learn so much every time!
T chapter 4 . 7/29
Loving this story!
Rvb92 chapter 4 . 7/29
I could waste an hour talking about how talented you are, how you have clearly a gift for writing Valenfield and much more, but everyone and their mother know that, so let's get started.
Man, the interrogation was creepy. And I mean Re7 creepy.
It truly felt like watching something out of the series.
I am not gonna waste many words on Irons, the dude has always been a pos, but I love how Chris jumped at him for being an ass to Jill. Hiring her is pretty much one of the few good things he did in his career and he can't even admit that, the moron.
Now, things have changed between Chris and Jill.
I like how she acknowledges that the man acts differently around her. And it confuses her and brings her to think about things that she could be afraid of.
But the reality is that they have chemistry, both off and at work, and while jill can think of it as friendship, it is growing, slowly, into something way better. Admitting to trust each other is big, given all the weird shit that is happening in Raccoon.
Chris tho, he's falling hard. Which makes me sad cause at the end of the day I just wish they had a chance at something without all the shit they had to deal with.
Thanks for this Irithyll, Re8 put me in a very shitty mood for all things RE.
MasturShake chapter 4 . 7/29
I wonder who gets put in the cell? My money is on Jill cause I feel like Chris's guard will be WAY more up around Wesker. Anyways this is amazing and one of the better Valenfield stories I've read in a long time so keep up the good work! And I'm low-key curious if that mold is based off of or have any involvement with the RE7 mold
Scarease chapter 4 . 7/28
Mold is that a tie into RE7:Biohazard?
MizHyde chapter 4 . 7/28
Oh my God the back half of the chapter gave me ALL. THE. FEELS.

Thank you so much for your updates in the middle of everything being so crazy. Your writing is fantastic, and I'm always excited to see the alerts in my inbox.

I can't wait to see what you've got planned.
evolution-500 chapter 4 . 7/28
Really cool to see Richard and Rebecca appear in this chapter, but man, the interrogation was downright creepy. I was getting some real SE7VEN vibes just reading it. I loved that you were able to suggest some of Umbrella's activities without ever really giving much away.
T chapter 3 . 7/21
Love this story. Can’t wait to read more.
MsKtK chapter 3 . 7/14
Hey there, I I think you are a talented writer and I hope you keep working hard on the craft. I am enjoying the story you’re weaving here, so I hope you keep at it. You’ve got a nice balance of plot and character insight and I look forward to seeing the development of Chris and Jill’s relationship and their individual growth as the plot thickens
MasturShake chapter 3 . 6/20
Oh MAN! That was great! Can't wait for more
Frozenheart7 chapter 3 . 6/15
Wow, this chapter has been everything! Loved every part of it. You balance good the arc about the case and the other exploring Jill and Chris relationship. None of these bits seem useless or boring, it just makes you want to read more. Keep going!
Rvb92 chapter 3 . 6/14
I guess that the sounds heard up the arklay mountains are mine, after I finished reading this fucking masterpiece.
Let's go over this chapter: Chris is a flawed man, he never got past the trauma as far as I can see and like jill pointed out, he needs therapy. But maybe spending time with a certain badass cop will help him grow and find a new perspective in life. Offering his apartment as a place to crush was such a nice gesture, I wonder if he gave her his bed.
Also the robbery, it gives me a weird vibe. She just moved in and it can't be bad luck. Maybe I am seeing things.
Claire is wonderful, but we knew that. She's just wonderful.
Now, the whole case pretty much is the perfect setup for the mansion. It gives a reason for what is about to happen instead of some half thought excuse...
So, back to our favorite cops. I want chris to open up to jill completely about what happened to him. I feel like she could help him process it and try to move on. And the same works for Jill. Chris might be an asshole, sometimes, but he proved to be a good man, otherwise he wouldn't have showed at her apartment. It would have been easier to continue being a dick.
I'm glad he didn't kiss her tho. They are attracted to each other, that is obvious(a romp in the sheets is probably a problem at this stage, not a solution) but it's better to take things slow. To understand what they I have the idea that Chris won't last long. The man is falling for her and it's heartwarming.
Thank you for this, it put away the thoughts of That thing called RE8.
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