Reviews for The Abyss of Author-Hating
Lady Kiddo chapter 4 . 6/3
Wow...Sophorkle? REALLY? (Oh, right, the word really isn't a word anymore. XD) Haha I love this.
BigBookBoi chapter 4 . 5/30
I just want everybody to know how flipping much I love this crossover :D like, my two *hopefully* longest fans and idols have started working together? *goes starry eyed*
This makes me think I need some sort of oc
Country-Fangirl chapter 4 . 5/29
Yaaayyyy I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really rrally really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really loved this chapter!
JT a reading cat chapter 4 . 5/29
that was...
I love it
BigBookBoi chapter 1 . 5/29
MidnightBunnyy chapter 3 . 5/18
Of course they have Fitz bashing facilities at Dizzneeland! Dex hates him! (Or does he... FEDEX!)
If you don't make an acronym... I WILL!
I see why no one would want to make an acronym like that.
Country-Fangirl chapter 3 . 5/18

Also da link doesn't work. It took me to wikipedia. I'm assuming there's supposed to be more than 5 letters.
Swiftheart1267 chapter 2 . 5/8
Sophorkle... Is... A... Thing? Uh... ew.
ArrowOfTheMoonlark chapter 2 . 4/16
*sobs as i walk over to review box*
*stops sobbing*
*deep breath*
im okay.
Thank you IStillHopeForSophex for the info! oh yeah i TOTALLY knew that it was 'hunk' not 'hulk. please excuse my horrible spelling XD
AHAHAHAHAAAA this chap was awesome. there's so much to love about it! talking signs, trademark symbols, spellcheckers, a cheating stina, bouncy houses, too many initials, sophorkle (HURL), and last pieces of mallowmelt! whats not to love?
anyway, great job guys, YOU'RE (HAHA TAKE THAT SPELLCHECKER!) doing awesome! keep it up!
MidnightBunnyy chapter 2 . 4/16
Me: MALLOWMELT?! *screeches* GIMME THAT!
Someone: UnAuthorized author! Get her!
Me: *munches mallowmelt* whatever. At least I got mallowmelt
Someone: *gasps* MidnightBunnyy! She's known for infrequent updating, being immature, overdramatic, and highly dangerous! *tackles*
Me: *steps around* HAHA YOU LOSE!

*bows* and that's me, doing something with too many exclamation points!
Abubble1 chapter 2 . 4/16
This is beautiful, how did I miss the last chapter?
I like the Percy Jackson Tarturus references.
DedicatedHamiltrash chapter 1 . 4/11
Amazing! Though you guys also need to kill spellcheck...
I love how you improvised on Writer’s Block, since ya know, you couldn’t get the real writer’s block. Tsk tsk. Anyways, that story was hilarious!
ArrowOfTheMoonlark chapter 1 . 4/9
Oh my gosh this is HILARIOUS you have no idea how hard im laughing right now
Words for authors-
IStillHopeForSophex: Okay I thought at first it was a typo for 'incredible' but then I kept reading and was like HAHAHAHAHAA THE INEDIBLE HULK I LOVE IT! This is why I stalk you. BECAUSE YOU MAKE ME LAUGH!
a very obsessed fangirl: HA! The word count lies with every breath it takes. And silent readers SUCK. TAKE THAT CROWD! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR CONSTANTLY DISCOURAGING THE ALL MIGHTY a very obsessed fangirl!
All in all, I loved it! Can't wait for more!
MidnightBunnyy chapter 1 . 4/9
First off, I have no idea what a denizen is. Secondly, I now qualify for the Mallowmelt Reserve Gold program. (Go mallowmelt!)
Saday, I do not have my own GT/Crowd, and I just have Tam insult me regularly (gotta find one); nor do I have a fanfic on , so I can't join you in this, which would be fun. (And you can find out how to find the fanfic I do have on my account. (*waves hands at self-promotion skills*))
ilikethemsalty chapter 1 . 4/8
Oml this is hilarious. I wheezed at a few parts. Have to say though, some parts I just stayed silent (NOT LIKE A SILENT READER, I SWEAR! I AM EVERYTHING BUT A SILENT READER! IN FACT I MIGHT BE AN ANNOYING READER- ONE WHO REVIEWS TOO MUCH AND PESTERS THE AUTHORS FOR UPDATES- Wait. No. I-I didn't mean to say that, don't put me on your target list, A. fan!) in respect of the truth behind it.

Also, my favorite part was the wax replicas of Fitz :) I wish the real Fitz would scream in eternal agony. Also, awwwyay (that's a real emotion! Look it up!) GT has a girlfriend now! GTina forever! (wait, is that the ship name? Idk.) Poor GT. He's suffered so much, then got a girlfriend and was happy, only to be yeeted off a cliffhanger cliff. Classic. I should've seen this coming. #GTdeservesbetter.

(Btw, I changed my username. Used to be Cary Swirls (ewww wth old me) BUT NOW I HAVE EMERGED AS A WONDEROUS BUTTERFLY AND AM NOW KNOWN AS DUN DUN DUN: ConnoisseurCary. Which isn't that much better, honestly. But whatever.)

Also, I guess I now qualify for the Mallowmelt Reserve Gold Program. Lol.

Anyways, this was a pure ingenious idea. I can't wait to see what you guys'll cook up next for the connoisseur ;). Lmao jk but I was going to use my username as a pun at some point so please don't cringe.