Reviews for A New Dawn
Kelvrin chapter 9 . 7/28
This is awesome. Please write more!
ShadowPaladin23 chapter 9 . 7/25
Hope you update soon
davycrockett100 chapter 2 . 7/6
awesome :)
Marteris chapter 9 . 6/24
I enjoy reading the comments of any fanfiction I really like, you know, to see if anybody else thinks the same about some details of the story. I usually ignore those I can't agree with, and/or criticizes without any good arguments, well... The haters, right? But this time I got pretty mad, and the story isn't even mine!
How dare someone ask you to delete your story?! And for what, because is a Slash fic of someone who isn't gay at the Canon? My gosh, for real?!
This is fanfiction.
They even know what that means?
The authors, of any fanfiction for that matter, can write what the fuck they want, because it's only BASED on something already created.
I understand people that don't like slash fics, I really do, but for no one's waste of their fucking time, the author even put the warning in the beginning of the story. Which I'm sure it was all they read, since the slash part didn't even begin yet, so they don't have anything to actually complain about.
Man, I'm angry. It's not about the complaining, really, it's because they're asking to delete the story. They don't have the rights of Harry Potter unless they are J.K. Rowling, which I doubt. So, what about free expression?
If you don't like it, here's an idea: don't fucking read it. Simple. But other people like it, so let them read it. Dude, don't you ever ask someone to delete their story. It's hard already to write a complete story when you don't even get anything for doing it. You don't need people who think they can boss you around too.

In another note, love the story so far, the bond between Harry and Conner it's beautiful, so precious. And the metaphorical slap in the face that Harry gave in Superman, amazing.
Dyako f. F chapter 9 . 6/20
This story is amazing! I can't wait to see how the story unfolds!
Water Titan chapter 9 . 6/19
I love this story! you've done a great job of conveying Harry's emotions and I feel connected to his character. I'm eager to see where this goes and possibly how Harry will develop in this new world and cope as well. I've seen Death before in some stories and I adore her. she makes me smile. can't wait to see what you have in story!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/17
Harry sure as Hell didn't ask for you to project you fantasies onto his life.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/16
Harry isn't gay. Please delete.
Problemchild667 chapter 9 . 6/10
Please update soon, your book is awesome.
I Love My Brown Eyes chapter 9 . 6/10
I'm very curious about where this story is headed! Def looking forward to how Connor and Superman's interaction in Metropolis may change from canon. Also, I wonder how there will be a difference between Harry's wand/wizarding magic and the YJ universe magic like with Klarion and . :)
Moonshadowcuteness1 chapter 9 . 6/5
I felt my mama bear senses come out
tiarekawaii chapter 9 . 6/2
Happy birthday!
I love this chapter thanks for the update.
I hope you are fine with everything that is happening. take care
Aqua Lilly chapter 9 . 6/1
Please update soon!
TheExiledOfCamelot chapter 9 . 5/31
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This is a really good story and you should keep on going.
Blackdrake chapter 9 . 5/31
Nice to have you back. I was a bit worried.
I really like your story. The action is a bit lackluster, but Harrys side of the story is really cool. And I like how he acts towards the justice league and I like that even Robin took his side, when it comes to his secrets.
Batman will flip out, when he finds out, what the team keeper from him.
Looking forward to the next chapter.

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