Reviews for Temporary Insanity
Chaoshift chapter 15 . 4/27/2016
I think it's cool how you've posted fix recs at the bottom of chapters. We're all readers, on the lookout for clever narratives. Still loving the character interactions!
Chaoshift chapter 9 . 4/27/2016
Usually I don't read first person. Your captured the spirit of stressed Hermione in such detail that I stuck around. I'm enjoying every second of this wild ride!
Guest chapter 13 . 11/22/2015
Don't skip school! Even if this was, like, ten years ago...
Dark Veritas chapter 11 . 8/30/2015
I like this story a lot! First of all, I love that Harry and Ginny are not together, because I truly think that Ginny is the most boring character in that entire series. But besides that I love that Hermione is consistently angry and Malfoy and even though she feels an inkling of attraction for him, she still realizes that he took her livelihood and remains furious with him. I also love that Hermione isn't this Mary-Sue-Virginal character that we seem to come across so much in fan fic. The only thing that I would say is that I think Hermione would have made more of an effort to work her contacts to avoid working for Malfoy-Malfoy has power, but so does she and I truly think she could have found someone willing to hire her.
FtEoH chapter 1 . 8/2/2015
I just wanted to say again how much I adore this- even though clearly you haven't updated this in nearly a decade.
Oh Good Rowling- I can't believe you've won me over so completely that a decade later I still hold out hope.
I just wanted you to know- it really holds up. All other Dramione ff's I read fail in comparison to this fic.
evie55 chapter 17 . 7/14/2015
Hermione in this chapter seems to be a massive b*tch, if only in her thoughts. She's so judgemental and catty towards other women who she doesn't even know! It's understandable that she is that way towards the one's that hang all over Draco, as she is jealous, but really she's acting like a shallow hypocrite, not at all like I would expect her to act.
The way she instantly judged that bartender was so incredibly close-minded and sexist. The bartender was wearing revealing clothing, ooh she must be a slag, let me just pat myself on the back for being a better, more modest woman. Hermione is supposed to be a forward thinking feminist and I can't believe that she would be only limiting that to business environments rather than encouraging other women to take control of their own sex lives as well. Even though she immediately was then scoping out for a one night stand, but yet deemed other women for doing so people who wouldn't be respected? And the way she thought "I'll let it slide." about the bartender was so obnoxious, like who does she think she is?
Anyway, rant over, I AM enjoying this story, though it probably isn't obvious after that tirade, I just needed to get it off my chest, sorry!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/30/2015
Sorry I do not want to flame but draco's middle name is Axabras
Guest chapter 25 . 5/22/2015
I absolutely love your work! I wish you'd update though... Please don't leave me guessing!
wordhoarder24 chapter 25 . 5/20/2015
I wish you'd finish this. I love the character development and they sound so human. I'm hoping you remember this and finish this because it's too good to be abandoned
Mary chapter 25 . 12/24/2014
That was all there was to this story? come on there has to be more. What a let down. Other than Hermione cussing too much at her boss, it was a good read. They never got together though. I could tell that they wanted to get together.
CJ chapter 24 . 12/24/2014
Why don't the two of them(Granger and Malfoy) admit that they like eachother instead of arguing?
CJ chapter 23 . 12/24/2014
Malfoy should have let Hermione work some place else. They will never get along. It is almost the end of the story where is the romance.
Mary chapter 22 . 12/23/2014
I knew he liked her since Draco didn't fire Hermione for her foul mouth. She cusses too much in this story.
Mary chapter 21 . 12/21/2014
That was a really interesting chapter to read. How does Hermione not notice that Draco is hitting on her and falling for her? Otherwise he would've fired her because of her mouth.
Mary chapter 20 . 12/20/2014
Malfoy doesn't like another man showing Granger any attention.
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