Reviews for Hold Steady
Nissa-Cullen chapter 14 . 9/19
Well at least they’re talking and spending time together again. Good for them.
ohtobeyoung chapter 14 . 8/29
Sorry it took me so long to get to this. No excuses. Love them baking together, it’s oh so sexy.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/22
Great story. Can't wait to read more!
marymary123 chapter 14 . 8/17
I like your story i just hope you give us more information soon. I hate stories that drag you around in the dark. You make assumptions all wrong. Please share
LaPumuckl chapter 14 . 8/19
So cute!
roxiegirl chapter 14 . 8/18
Thank you! Lovely chapter. The two of them in his bakery was perfect. Swoon!
Marymary123 chapter 6 . 8/16
I love this. Laughter we all need much much more... THANK YOU
Isao84 chapter 14 . 8/18
Aw! She’s too cute for words.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/16
Bella's a piece of work. I really hate saying that, but she's sort of a stick in the mud. It's what this whole chapter felt like, at least until the last few lines.

She didn't want to try anything new, even if it meant getting her a little closer to Edward, closer to learning more about him. Closer to stepping into his world for once. She didn't want to go near Edward for fear of a little flour because she had on a new shirt? Really? She literally said she didn't want to touch the dough. What an affront to someone who has been nothing but nice to her.

At 14 chapters in, there's not enough information provided in the story for me to understand her behavior. I feel as if something is going to have to give or be revealed to the reader in order to continue reading about such an off putting character.
mysticfighter111 chapter 14 . 8/18
Bella ist taking baby-steps out of her comfort-zone and watching Edward in bis element is not a bad way to Start.
Mechcat chapter 14 . 8/17
Good stuff! More pls!
(Sry, long dayshort review. At the "fire bad, tree pretty stage. Or maybe Aro bad, Edward pretty?)
Teresa R chapter 14 . 8/17
It is taking time but they are getting it so cute
Kate1386 chapter 14 . 8/17
So glad to finally catch up on this one love me a snarky Bella
Cullenosopy chapter 14 . 8/17
There's something positive!

Thank you!
Caroleg chapter 14 . 8/17
Love it
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