Reviews for The Rising of a True Hero
Darksider43 chapter 10 . 8/7
So I don't know if you will continue with this but plz do its good
Proxy4818 chapter 10 . 5/29
Nice, this chapter is very well written though for a moment I thought Raphtalia was actually injured when Naofumi's state of mind was causing to see dark delusions. I'm curious to see how you go about also pairing him with Melty since this will be the first story with that pairing.

Also I'm glad your not letting flamers like that one reviewer who's name started with a p (I can't remember the full name) discourage you because this is a good story
069975688 chapter 10 . 5/27
Nice story!
BlueCore chapter 10 . 5/26
Nice story, it's really good
OechsnerC chapter 10 . 5/24
Awesome update
Angel Wraith chapter 10 . 5/24
You know this would be a good story , if there was more descriptive text . This might just be a me thing , but I think the story lacks proper description and ends up looking kinda barren .

With the entirety of the chapters , being composed of single sentence lines , with descriptive text or anything else in between .
Ppsh chapter 2 . 5/20
This is just disgusting. Talk about taking things way too far. If anything, the thing I couldn't stand about his personality in the anime is that he just passively accepts shit way too much. He should have been way angrier and more assertive against those assholes. But what you've written is even worse, would never happen, and is honestly just repulsive to even think about.
Guest chapter 8 . 5/11
As much as I'm going to hate the next chapter of this fanfic, I want Naofumi to lose all hope of this world and remain bitter and hateful towards everyone. Please give Naofumi the chance to fight back against his tormentors and to cause physical and mental trauma towards them. That would teach them of what happens when they poke a bear.
OechsnerC chapter 8 . 5/11
Awesome update.
Peiniger chapter 2 . 5/11
'You get to enjoy a woman screaming like that, while us, we're stuck with men to rape.'

Lmaoooo. Wtf is this shit. The writing is terrible. The premise is terrible. It seems you're trying to rewrite canon when you don't even know it. Naofumi breaking a man's wrist with bare hands? Okay, sure. The anime didn't do a good job portraying the time skip, but I think a week of being alienated (sleeping out in the cold and probably starving) is enough to justify his personality change. The rape is just sooooo unnecessary and cringy.

Trash story.
OechsnerC chapter 7 . 4/17
Interesting story
Echonic chapter 7 . 4/16
I'm really loving Naofumi's extra paranoia, a lot of fanfics make Naofumi a 'kind guy' to Raphtalia early on because they don't like the way he treats her in the anime but i'm loving this even more. Basically a guy who thinks that all women in this world are like Myne and generally believing the world is out to kill him in his sleep.
ferlol27teorias1 chapter 1 . 4/14
I can't wait for the next chapter! (I speak spanish and i have to use google translate xd)
Librarian343 chapter 6 . 4/9
Keep Naofumi as he is, but make it so that there are some humans he would like, Erhard for example, or tolerate, at best tolerate, but still have a strong dislike or hatred for humans, particularly royalty and nobility. Mainly because the thing I don't get is why Naofumi only has a strong hatred to women when he should hate nearly everyone he meets because of how everyone has treated him. I think, it would be the same for me too if I were in Naofumi's shoes.
Proxy4818 chapter 5 . 4/9
Ya got my attention to say the least though im left wondering what other divergences from cannon will this fic have aside from the scene where Naofumi was almost r***ed.
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