Reviews for Another Thief: Royal Fools
RosyMiranto18 chapter 11 . 7/20
Alright. Sorry for taking a while to review, but I have to go get a good sleep first. Anyway, I decided to review before I do the PM. Either way, as I said in my short message in the PM, if you decided to start over the next Thread, please combine both the reply of this review and the reply of my PM after this in that new thread. No Splitting between Thread, capiche? And now that we got it out of our way, let’s move out to the chapter now.

1a. At first, I was confused what makes Akira weird, but okay, if it’s anxiety then it all makes sense.
b. Also, Kasumi, is your milk good? I think now I want one? :BroughyFlushed:
c. Are you sure you don’t want to inquiry the slip-up further, Sumi? :D
d. Did you have some insecurity issues when it comes to confessing your love to Shiho or is it just because you had Kimiko before. And you’re right that Akira might be worried about the Replacement Goldfish thing, Sumi.
2a. Speaking of lunch, where did Ren had his then if it’s not on the roof?
b. Wait, when did Ryuuji confessed to Ann why did he dyed his hair again?
c. Also, I almost mistook “Dying your hair for me” as “Dying for me” XD
3a. You know, being expelled is one thing, but publicly announcing who’s going to be expelled sounds really fucking scum.
b. Uh… Akira, now I’m a bit worried. You’re not having any suicidal tendencies shortly after Kimiko died, right?
4a. I gotta be honest, I think Hinaki’s reaction should be a bit more emotional than just putting her hands on her face. A mixture of horrified expression complete with her hand covering her gasping mouth, or clutching her phone in an angered expression that she didn’t expect the scale of foul that Shuujin had. She knows she hates Shuujin for various things, but an actual rape is beyond her understanding… or you actually did that but it got cut right before the reaction on the chapter shown to happen.
b. First, there’s something that bothers me. How exactly did Hinaki know the exact date of Kimiko’s death? If the truth of Kimiko’s death is swept under the rug, there shouldn’t be any news about her death to be made public on the Media as well. Also, if it’s public to the media, shouldn’t Akira’s reputation be ruined a lot more than it already is… that Akira is treated as if he’s the rapid not just in the school?
c. So a Cemetery, eh? I Google Map the Shibuya and Minato Wards, and I find the Aoyama Cemetery. That means this is what Akira’s business is, his monthly visit to Kimiko’s grave. I also find that it’s 300m from Aoyama Ichtome Station, 1.3km from Akasaka, and 1.5km from Roppongi… It’s 5.4 from Ginza though.
d. Also, why and when exactly did Hinaki asked Shinji how did she able to meet him? Considering that she only actually tried to do it a few days ago.
5a. At this point, I even still wondering when and how did Akira met the IT including Nanako. *pause* If I didn’t forget you have told me how before.
b. For some reason, I almost mistook Matcha Magazine as Matcha Tea *snickers* Imagine if they sponsored Yukiko into exclusively using Matcha Tea at the Amagi Inn.
c. Can’t wait to see Soujirou’s reaction to the abomination that is Mystery Food X.
d. So Yousuke and Chie are involved in BDSM, eh? XD
6a. What about try working at the Beef Bowl Shop in the afternoon instead? Also, which one you think is better, the Beef Bowl at Shibuya or Aiya’s in Inaba?
b. Well, Morgana, you’re lucky that Nanako heard you talking first, or else things will end with you getting Button Mashed, MWAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! XD
c. And… well, here goes the hidden reveal that Nanako have a Persona either, too bad D:

Also, before the end of this review, I would like to announce you the news of Shin Megami Tensei V, after years of no news, but it’s finally revealed properly and it’s set for a release date in 2021. Other than that, we also have an HD Remaster of SMT 3 Nocturne coming too. It will be here in October 29th for Japan and Spring 2021 for the English Version. Well, if you’re interested or being a Masochist, prepare for this game.
Anyway, I think that’s all for now. I’m gonna reply to the PM first, but see you in the next Thread/PM Book, Keep update!
RosyMiranto18 chapter 10 . 7/8
Okay… after several agonizing floors in Judecca Block of Abyss of Time later, I finally able to get this review. Hello! Although, I must say that any PM you will send right now will have to wait until tomorrow for me to reply, all to give you a chance to reply this Review as well. After all, this should be the last chapter on the 1-10 Book, I change file of it every ten chapters, just so let you know. Anyway, let’s start with the review then.

1a. Uh… why did they go to a park again? Assuming if it’s really Inokashira Park.
b. Weekly Call… wait, why there’s none of these in the previous weeks? Like in the 16th (a day after Shiho’s suicide attempt) for example.
c. Threatened to be Expelled, what a Suspiciously Specific Denial right there XD
d. No one can blame you if you can’t go to Port Island every March 5th. Speaking of which, will you go there at the next anniversary next year, Akira?
e. As much as I want to point out that 516km between Yongen and Port Island (Kobe) is pretty far, The Shinkansen made it pointless anyway.
f. Imagine if there’s a Plot Twist and Paff turns out to be talking like Morgana O_o Or at least awakening a Persona and officially becomes the Mascot of Akira's Team XD
g. So… are you suspicious yet, Mitsuru, or is Kikuno’s appearance has something to do with this?
2a. Wait, is there any reason why Ren and Ann still go to the hideout even though there’s literally nothing they can do there? At the meeting on the next day makes sense.
b. You know, that accusation could have a point, “Tired because all Makoto think of is losing Shinji instead of Kamoshida and his atrocities”
c. You know, “Just do something useful in your life” gives more than just an implication that Makoto is useless in your opinion, Akira. It’s a bit too obvious for that.
d. Ah… I see what happened here… because the ‘King Crimson’ happened this soon, that moment can’t be repeated or replayed twice, and because this can be seen as a Chekov’s Gun at this point, Akira forgets how important it is nor taking notes of it by the time of September… I didn’t spoil anything, right? D:
e. Still, I guess the full context can only be realized when ‘that’ happens. Alright then.
3a. Yeah… don’t forget that Ann’s literally right there, Renren XD
b. Did Shiho secretly have an Apt Pupil and Revolution to increase her Crits or something? XD
c. Yeah… returning just a day before the Golden Week is always weird, BEARY weird.
d. I don’t know what kind of business you do on the 5th, Akira, but whatever. *shrugs*
e. So… Ushimaru-sensei, I expected a school on Tokyo like this already use Marker and Whiteboard, so why don’t you use that to write and instead use that last chalk on Akira instead? XD
4a. Well… either you didn’t learn that Shiho had some latent anger issues now (which is obvious to see because… Kamoshida), or you didn’t see that she has better acting than you, Ann XD
b. (Here lies Ryuuji’s Hopes and Dreams, buried in Bikini Bottom Graveyard)
c. Come on, in this humorous context, Joker is better than Jester as a Codename XD
5a. I gotta be honest, this scene is a bit awkward for me *whistles* So I’m with Akira there.
b. So… how did Shinji got physically worsening for the past few months on top of the mental parts as well?
c. Oops, sorry Makoto, but I need to ask something first. Have you ever actually tried to call Shinji yourself? If you can’t (not don’t because I will not excuse you for that), why?
d. Actually, the exam is at Mid-May, so it’s not technically past a month after this chapter (April 24th)
e. Uh… since when did I hear that Drum is essential on Jazz Music instead of a Rock? *checking* Oh.
f. Ah… Hou-kago Tea Time… it’s a classic. And that’s a Pop Rock Band, sorry Shinji.
g. Hm… Naoko being a Yuri Fan instead of a Yaoi Fan, that’s an interesting twist. To be honest, now I’m not surprised if she turned out to be Lesbian in the end.
h. That time half a year ago? Are they talking about Shinji, or something else?
i. AND! That last sentence gave it away to Shinji a bit too obviously. Damnit, Rumor Mill!

Nah, I think everyone knows that this supposed to happen at Okumura’s Death, but I think at least people who read the original would know this “King Crimson” Stuff XD
And yeah, don’t worry, nothing in this chapter feels like a filler, unless if you can very barely count Akira’s talk with Mitsuru there.
Also, how much you bet that the Thieves figure out that it’s Shiho and confront her before its original reveal (Madarame’s Boss Fight)?

And! I think that’s all for this chapter. Time for me to catchup with the rest of the Videos on my watchlist for today. So… see you tomorrow and apologize if the PM takes longer for me to reply! Keep Update!
P.S.: Also, for other reviewers in this fic, can I ask your opinion on Hinaki so far? Thank you.
crazycarzom chapter 9 . 6/28
Enjoyed the chapter and how the fight went, felt refreshing a bit. Worth the wait and thank you for your work!
crazycarzom chapter 1 . 6/28
Enjoyed the chapter, worth the wait.
RosyMiranto18 chapter 9 . 6/28
Hello, and just in time right after I’m done with The Run’s Challenge Series at the Rockies. Well, I guess I can leave the Plains for later. Anyway, I guess that’s all I can say here, let’s just get to the chapter.

1a. Sorry Ren, but I don’t think from the moment your Record got leaked, you cannot have a Normal Life at Shuujin, ever.
b. Didn’t connect the dots that Akira is Jester yet, Renren? XD
c. To be fair, that Shiho has a… “Must Protect Vibe” to her, not a full “That Smile, I Have to Protect It”
2a. I thought the sky is always red in Palaces. *shrugs… pause* Okay, it was Mayonaka, sorry.
b. Rat? I’m confused Ann, since when did you associate Kamoshida with a rat?
c. Did you intentionally change “I am the Demon Who Rules This World” line there?
3a. Okay, now I’m curious, Akira, what exactly hold you up to be so late entering the Palace now?
b. You know, that made me wondered, if the other Shadows are not safeguarding around the Palace, then, where are they? I know the furthest saferoom is right beside the Throne Room, but… *pause* Oh, they can’t go to that one.
c. And come on, if I can go through the entire Palace again to make it dramatic and not kill or drain myself of it, I’m all for that.
4a. I can see why they’re panicking here, but damnit! Make up your decision already, try to attack Cognitive Shiho, or prepare to guard.
b. Does Ann notice “So this is how he sees me?” when Shiho said that to the Cognition?
c. You know, Akira, you said that as if to make me expect that the balcony is full of Shadows and there’s not just two of them. *Pause* Okay, maybe there are piles of them, but I wonder why no one is smart enough to just drop waves of ambushes to the Thieves?
d. Also, where did you get that Dash Ability? You didn’t have Ryuuji’s Rank 7 yet XD
5a. Oh, so the whipping rage part is moved here, that makes a lot of sense.
b. But ouch, didn’t expect Shiho to give Kamoshida Critical Hits to the Nads. It seems that your junk is always in danger, after all, Akira, but at least your girl didn’t decide to slash Kamoshida’s Nads with the whipsword too.
c. Also, surprised that the Palace doesn't start collapsing when all of that happens.
d. Now that you mention it, I wonder how’s Shinji’s actual reaction to the news of Kamoshida’s Change of Heart.

Well, look at the bright side, at least the next chapter… no- the next three chapters wouldn’t take as long, and can’t wait to see them all. Anyway, I think that’s all for today. See you later and Keep Update! :D
P.S.: I hope you put the confession in the next chapter, but now i wonder if 'she' shows up before or right after (on the same day of) the confession.
RosyMiranto18 chapter 8 . 6/2
*yawn* Sorry for taking a while, you sent me the Chapter just when I’m about to sleep. Anyway, let’s move on with the chapter.

1a. Uh… you mean die in the Metaverse or the real Kamoshida?
b. Also, I know the PT made his calling card, but is Akira sending a separate for himself? Just curious.
c. Hi Paff, didn’t expect to see you this soon, but sighs… I’m set at whoever abandon this poor puppy.
d. Also, one, I bet Morgana would have problems with Paff soon, and can she eat the Curries? :3
2a. Yep, a Literal Puppy Eyes indeed.
b. You know, maybe Paff would like to have some Cream Puff too, is it good? Also, fun fact, I just found out that the cake that I know as “Kue Sus” is actually Cream Puff.
3a. Didn’t know Minato likes Omurice. I feel that because of that Let’s Play Archive, I actually associated Minato with Melonpan somehow. *pause* Oops, unless if you’re talking about Kimiko, then I would say sorry about that.
b. Yeah, being a Pariah is a curse, being a Perfection is also a curse. What kind of world we’re live in, isn’t it?
c. Uh… if you’re worried about Kasumi, shouldn’t you… you know, warn her about Kamoshida?
4a. Speaking of Trial Rabbit, I start to imagine Shiho try dressing him up as a… Playboy Male Rabbit someday. I’m sorry for imagining that, I know.
b. So… what kind of machine is that, Takemi?
c. Paper Bag? Do you expect Akira to brew the medicine like a Coffee there?
d. For some reason, I thought Akira’s gonna woke up on Skyrim there.
e. Alcohol? How much Alcohol dan how much the percentage you put there, Kimiko?
f. I know one is Takuto, but who is that redhead? I don’t think it’s Rumi nor Wakaba, so… who is she? Looks important to me.
5a. I think you do have some beef with Kamoshida because he leaked your record, but yeah, Ryuuji deserved writing the Calling Card more.
b. Also, just don’t make it like this video youtu . be/WwgFk7mR6ek
c. Now will Kasumi learn who the Phantom Thieves before “The Time’s Come”?
6a. At least Kamoshida is stupid enough to notice that this is wordings of someone like Ryuuji.

And… that’s it. I have discussed ZonZus’s review before, so I’ll leave it at that. See you later and Keep Update!
ZonZus chapter 7 . 5/14
This is an interesting fic, I do hope that Sumire gets into the phantom thieves earlier than she did in the game. Really my biggest issue with Royal was that she literally joins the team on the final palace, and even than it was so brief that she barely did anything at all.

I suggest that she accepts the offer to join. How you want to handle that is up to you. I’m also hoping for extra palaces during the third semester.

I’m sorry, Royal was great but I wish Maruki had other palace rulers join him before the thieves had their confrontation with him. Like maybe Rumi was a palace owner and the thieves needed to heal the damage in her heart similar to Futaba.

Still this is a great start and I’d like to see more.
RosyMiranto18 chapter 7 . 5/14
Okay, i still have two Hermitcraft videos left to watch today, but i know i have to keep my promise and finish this review before this day is done and go to sleep. So well then, let's move out!

1a. Question, what happened the next day if Akira just slept in his uniform?
b. Weird that Makoto suddenly thinking about Shinji when she saw Akira that refreshed, but... Okay.
c. Ah... Now i know the secret of your good sleep. Liz must have done something to make you refreshed during your last visit, like giving you free Soma for example.
d. So... Will you tell Ren about Yaldy before it's too late eventually, Akira?
2a. Why the canteen always make so few Yakisoba Pan? Why?! D:
b. Damn, Kasumi not just eat one massive Bento, but two?! This can't be!
c. Now you wear something correct, Shiho. But is that Swan T-shirt intentional?
d. Now i start imagining Shiho goes even to a formal event in hot pants.
3a. I didn't realize you took some of those books, Akira... Uh-oh.
b. So... No Beefcake Book this time, eh? I imagine Akira would have some Akihiko-related remarks about it.
c. I don't think they're ahead of you, Ren, otherwise this puzzle would have been opened wide a long time ago.
d. I'm surprised you didn't insert the Shit in Kamoshida... Or should i say, Kamo-shit-a... And the Kanji can stay the same correctly as well xD
3a. Not try to Crit the Archangel, Akira?
b. Wait, since when did you bolt out the hall, Shiho? Or did you never fall down there and just heals from the ceiling instead?
c. Killing Joke? Nice Signature Spell, but the only thing i think of when i hear that phrase is this: youtu . be/6OWelHiMcSM
d. Wait, those orbs aren't slimy like the real eyes, right?
e. Come on, Ann... Is hair color and hairstyle that difficult to figure out from? :)

And... I think that's all for now. Gotta watch those videos now. See you later and Keep Update!
RosyMiranto18 chapter 6 . 5/1
Phew… okay, let’s start with this chapter now then.

1a. Yeah, of course you will be shocked, Shiho. I feel bad for you, really. You better explain it to her NOW, Akira.
b. You know Eiha is ineffective against each other. Try something else please -_-
c. A Cat? :D
d. So… any explanation why you’re weak to lightning, Akira? Even though if I’m not mistaken, Orpheus also weak to lightning.
e. Yeah, Akira’s behavior is quite overboard in this one honestly, you don’t need to actually devolve this into a fight, right?
f. So you don’t recognize Shiho’s voice even after years on her side eh, Ann?
2a. Wut? Did you not ever know that Minato was a Wild Card?
b. Although, if Ren’s secrets with the Velvet Room is spoiled at the Day of Reckoning, I wonder when Akira will confess about his connection with the Velvet Room as well.
c. But the question is, Shiho, where could you get that grappling hook?
d. Someone in Le Fool needs to learn about lockpicks soon, period.
e. Did you start to develop Carcerophobia (Fear of Prison) if these steel bars keeps up, Akira?
f. Ehm, it’s Yongen, not Jongen.
g. Speaking of which, how often did you take bath, Akira?
3a. Speaking of Ore no Beko, do Chie think this is good compared to Aiya’s?
b. I guess Akira doesn’t like much salt here.
c. It’s probably “Not Yet”, Shiho, and I think you will find it in those Queens and Slaves Books that you didn’t read.
d. I cannot imagine the headline on that. You NEED a certain someone to teach you later though.
e. Even though ironically, Ren also said “Bad to the Bone” at Ann, Shiho?
4a. So I guess now Shinji’s reason to be here is not because he accepts Hinaki’s offer, but rather he just accepts it because he wants to run away.
b. I thought Kousei’s uniform is more Royal Blue than Sapphire, but eh…
c. Actually, I think at this point, Shinji refers to Hinaki as “Ms. President”… sarcastically of course.

Yeah, I hope these Palace Infiltrators’ relationship will improve. And yeah, this shows that Kousei doesn’t get off that easily compared to Shuujin. Anyway, I think that’s all for now. See you later and Keep Update!
Guest chapter 5 . 4/26
meh, it's same old canon and what changed is pretttttty stupid.
Archangelo2 chapter 5 . 4/26
Question: whats stopping Shiho from joining in this fight
NamelessPassionate chapter 1 . 4/26
Well, this is a response to the Guest review before me, so... Yeah.

For why didn't Kirijo Group do anything concerning Kamoshida's situation, it's because Akira personally begged Mitsuru to leave this alone. In the later chapters, it revealed why did Akira act so broken and depressed to a point that he prefers them to not involve than straight up suing Kamoshida.

Also, the rumors would only worsen for him if they really did this.

In all and all, it's a really sad and heartbreaking situation for Akira.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/26
Huhuh. The group can't do shit despite how powerful they are ? Seems forced.
RosyMiranto18 chapter 5 . 4/25
Ah... This may be late, but i'm glad that you released it after i get the relief after Fasting, and after Codename Songbird and doing a certain OC Profile at the same time. Phew... Okay, let's start with this review then:

1a. I guess you can't just to go to Shiho's house and give that gun to her as a proposing gift then xD
b. Somehow, the timing your mom gave to you is both poetic and ironic, because that's when the expulsion supposed to happen.
c. But the question is where did you those guns then? In a guitar case?
d. How often did you dine in LeBlanc, Akira?
2a. Damnit! You got me with that flashback. I thought we're going to be introduced to a new character or something D:
b. So Shinji was the Vice President before he left then... That explain why he's close with a certain beepboop.
c. And now i want to see the PT actually plays Tycoon in-story now.
d. There's a grammatical error here. It's "Avenge Kimiko", not "Revenge Kimiko" *cue Avengers Theme*
3a. I'm afraid that Ryuuji will not stop calling you Renren unfortunately.
b. I think even if Cognitive Shiho is there, she would be Cognitive Ann instead of encouraging you, Ann.
c. But hey, glad that they learned about Le Fool quite faster here.
4a. Hm... One. I wonder how two Velvet Rooms is possible here, and two, what form did Akira's Velvet Room takes? It can't be an Elevator nor a Prison, right?
b. And word of advice, Akira, do NOT bribg Elizabeth to any fountains or things that is paid in coins like Vending Machines. You will regret it.
5a. Yeah, at least Ren is conscious that Kawakami is not that bad and he starts to feel bad for her. He'll know why.
b. The question is, have you ever been in a sport club... Before this stupid probation happening or course.
c. Maybe you can enter the Metaverse a bit far from the school like what happened to Ren and Ryuuji and walk to the Palace from there. That might make you less suspicious.
6a. Okay, i thought Shiho is supposed to be on a break here, so why did she come to the school in a uniform instead of casual clothes? This is not the same case at the Investigation Team, right?
b. It seems that the name Jester has a lot more meaning to Akira now.
c. What kind of island? There's some places called Swan Island though.
d. I thought an Athlete are accustomed enough with going back and forth between staircases. But then again, if Kamoshida is said coach, then i can see why he wouldn't do a proper training like that
e. That Chainsaw sounds like a foreshadowing here *whistling innocently*
f. I guess this is where they have to fight. If only that damn Camera App works, then one of them would just photograph the map and move on. Damn you, MetaNav.
g. I wonder how much Akira doesn't trust Ren here though, not just about that map, but also on the Real World as well.

Anyway, i think that's all for now. I still need to enjoy the rest of the day, so see you later and Keep Update!
P.S.: Honestly, i felt that the title felt a bit weird. Maybe removing the Comma will make it perfect. Also, why did i start to think that Swan Maiden is better than just Swan Maid?
RosyMiranto18 chapter 4 . 4/16
I gotta admit I’m a bit-tired right now, but I couldn’t take a break before I review this, so… let’s go.

1a. I thought it’s called Whipsword, not Sword-whip.
b. I almost forgot that this is not the same title as Ryuuji’s Awakening, hence why it’s Berith and not Eligor.
c. Not sure if that AoA Quote fit her, but eh… speaking of which, what is Akira’s quote?
d. Yeah, just like vice versa, Shiho will not hold back when it comes to Ann.
e. Note: Akira’s weak to puppies… speaking of which, is Koromaru has one? :D
f. Wait, I think there’s something I need to think about. Considering that Akira has no relative in Tokyo, is there any reason why Akira stay in Tokyo for the past years instead of Port Island? Please explain
2a. I guess even with that Anger, Shiho didn’t just whip those Cognitions into oblivions instantly. Though to be fair, if she’s not exhausted from her Awakening, she will.
b. Uh… sneak to the back and then ambush and save Ann from the top?
c. Why not using your gun to try disarming that knight? Also, a grappling hook is much more stick out. *pause* Okay, good for you then, Akira. Surprised that the hook’s cables are that thin though.
d. Hm… let’s see if Ann really remembered that it’s Shiho whom she saw at that ceiling.
e. And so Akira and Shiho didn’t notice Takuto hanging around to see people suddenly appear out of nowhere *cue the X-Files Theme*
3a. Akira is whipped confirmed… quite literally *glancing nervously to that whipsword*
b. How did you know about Iwai’s place, Akira? Curious.
c. How many novels did you write and how varied the themes are, Akira?!
d. 200K may sounds A LOT for Early Persona, but when I convert it… $1853 doesn’t seem to be that much.
e. So no Akira-kun then? :D
4a. I can see why Shiho needs a break; she DEFINITELY needs that.
b. I’m not sure if Takemi’s clinic or any of her medicines is called with her theme, Butterfly Kiss, period. Or it should, I mean it doesn’t sound fit as the name of a Medical Clinic, period.
c. So Akira is “The Boy behind Ren’s Desk” now, huh? *nudges*
d. I thought the “Not talking about those Rumors about You” sounds like a Suspiciously Specific Denial.
e. Rat Lab, Really? Doesn’t sound as catchy. What about Trial Rabbit? (A bit literal from Indonesian for Guinea Pig, Kelinci Percobaan)
5a. Maybe because you don’t want to get noticed entering a freaking gunstore, Akira. Also, you took two days to get both Takemi and Iwai? I thought you would do this in a day.
b. Uh… actually, Aoi is not on Akira’s age here, she’s on P4 cast’s age, which means around 21 (her birthday is on Late January) now. Sorry.
c. Other than that, good description.
d. Which one of you has the Sniper and the Revolver? Also, I guess it’s a good thing that I stick with Machine Gun for ‘her’ instead of changing it to a Sniper.
e. $41for both guns? That’s BEARY cheap, considering the ridiculously high prices of guns I accustomed to in Celestial Sky Dragon’s Codename Songbird. The guns in that fic could reach Millions of Yens.
f. And Aoi’s Musket is 156. I guess it’s not that expensive makes sense for… obvious reason.
g. Double the Coincidence right there, I wonder why Ren didn’t notice him meeting Akira on the same two places related to Palace Supplies.

I felt that the title of this chapter doesn’t need to be changed… unless if it’s Guns and Drugs, or maybe Guns and Pills… Guns and Doses? Anyway, I think that’s all for now. I know the reply for the PM will take a long while, but I’m looking for it. So, see you later and Keep Update!
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