Reviews for Shakespeare and Scars
LostInAGoodBook chapter 13 . 8/20
That was excellent-thank you.
Deliriousbookworm chapter 13 . 7/14
I loved this story ate it up in one sitting! What wonderful characterisation and an interesting plot!
1Cassiopeiablack chapter 13 . 5/17
it's just wonderful like the best everything the starting love it the ending love it like even the small details are Soo good.
vennise chapter 12 . 4/14
I love this story but is that it? They just leave like that? Oh no
CloroxIsMyName chapter 1 . 4/13
omg this storyyyy just ahhhhhhhh, it's so cute and amazing and I love it
AuntCori chapter 13 . 4/12
This was great! I enjoyed the traveling by Muggle-means.
xVampireLoveStoryx chapter 13 . 4/8
I cry. Excellent. Love it. Beautiful. Amazing. Well written story with a believable story and good pace. Well done. It’s hard to find quality work.
Philip Marlowe chapter 13 . 4/7
Okay right and sorry.
I'm not posting from my account at moment, as my posts keep getting deleted.
It wasn't you I've been informed: a certain person with mod privileges has a huge grudge against me & has removed my reviews from past seven months. I am fuming and vented at you before knowing the facts.
You've done nothing wrong and just got caught unwittingly in the crossfire. I hate the internet sometimes when blameless innocents get victimized by machinations of evil bastards.
FantasyGirl20 chapter 13 . 4/5
This is an adorable ending! I loved it!
FantasyGirl20 chapter 12 . 4/5
Oh no they’re separated! Excited to be reading the latest chapter
Krissby chapter 13 . 4/5
This was such a cute story! Thanks for writing it! Also, “the part where you say my name”... we’re you inspired by the movie Ever After? :)
Lettice Douffet chapter 1 . 4/3
Philip - I am so sorry but I am genuinely confused. I only see the one review from you (this one). If something else got deleted then it was either a glitch in the system or an honest mistake. I welcome all kinds of feedback. If you would like to repost your original review I would be interested to know what you didn't like about the story. I sincerely apologize if you feel like I was dismissive in any way as I can assure you that was never my intention. I wish I could reply to you directly but since you are signed in as a guest it won't let me.
Philip Marlow chapter 11 . 4/3
IF you want to delete any & all reviews featuring constructive criticism, then don't ask for damn reviews in first place!

Suppose your one of these snowflake authors who 'praise me! adore me! love me!' 'oh no someone has said a tiny negative thing - squeeeee I'm going to have a breakdown over it!'.

Worst kind of attitude ever - particularly during current world events with good decent people dropping dead.

Get over yourself you self indulgent selfish idiotic child!
Chalice13 chapter 8 . 4/1
Well not sure what to say without posting anything potentially insulting.
While some elements are good this somehow fails as a story to me.
FantasyGirl20 chapter 9 . 4/2
I’m still reading it and loving it! I look forward to reading 10 and 11!
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