Reviews for 9 Months Series: The Dawn of a New Knight
Guest chapter 9 . 1/6
I‘ve read your fic a couple of times now because it is so great. I agree with others - Bonnie should have told Michael as soon as she found out.

I would love to read more!
VINAI chapter 9 . 11/14/2016
Awww this is the sweetest fic I've ever read! Great job! :)
Guest chapter 9 . 2/25/2016
Characters totally in character. Well Done. Such a cute story. I know someone did a follow up of this, what was really well done to. Will you or them do another follow up. Carry on with a series. Be a cracking read.
Elizabeth2009 chapter 5 . 2/18/2016
I am a huge fan of Knight Rider and I came across this story recently. I have read it a few times since then. This chapter gets to me though. I never pictured Michael acting this way, as in pretty much man handling a female. It got under my skin just a bit. No flames. Just expressing my opinion.
Depp-Knight2000 chapter 9 . 12/27/2014
OMG what an amazing story! No words can express how amazing this story is! It had so much storyline and passion and drama and romance to it, it was just simply too amazing! Loved every word of it from start to finish! You did a wonderful job writing a really great story! Thank you for writing it!
Darth Krande chapter 9 . 5/22/2010
That was sooooo cute. Epic. Characters totally in-character, and perfectly written. I hope you have a sequel for this, I'd love to read more about this young Knight. KITT would surely become a great father with Michael's help :)

It was good to read.

Darth Krande chapter 1 . 5/22/2010
Hehhh. KITT knows how to keep secrets :)
hayknight chapter 9 . 2/5/2009
OH i love this story...i've lost count to how many times i've read it.

Just wondering will you ever do a follow up to it, that would be fantastic if you did :D
blue-eyed-wondergirl chapter 9 . 12/18/2008
I loved this story. Any chance you will be doing more soon?
Lady Razorsharp chapter 9 . 4/8/2008
And everyone says YAY! Very very sweet. )
Lady Razorsharp chapter 8 . 4/8/2008
Aw, yay! ) *warm fuzziness*
Lady Razorsharp chapter 7 . 4/8/2008
Yay Devon! )
Lady Razorsharp chapter 6 . 4/8/2008
"One look from the man told him if he tried it, he just might be sorry."

Oho, I can so see that. You don't mess with Devon, he'll mess you up, boyo...

Come on, kids. Stop being silly. Time to find each other here.
Lady Razorsharp chapter 5 . 4/8/2008
Wow, Michael. Way to be an absolute jerk.

Although I have to give him credit, Bonnie should have told him no matter what.

“How do I know the baby is even mine?”

This made me gasp. MICHAEL! How could you say such a thing?

I'm hoping this has a happy ending...eep
Lady Razorsharp chapter 4 . 4/8/2008
Wow, I loved their "20 questions" session. So KITT and Michael. D
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