Reviews for Shot to the Heart
ryoga-chan's heart chapter 1 . 8/3
Finally! A story in the humor category that actually has humor. This was great.
lara5170 chapter 1 . 5/12
This was a very good story and I wish there was more
Zenzia chapter 1 . 5/10
so cute! Love the part about her stabbing someone by tripping and Sesshy being proud
Estefania chapter 1 . 5/2
Que linda fue. Entrañables ja ja ja
dreamerkins chapter 1 . 4/11
bwahaha! so funny!
aGirlCalledPablo chapter 1 . 4/7
You are hilarious! I work for local government and have been swamped since the stay at home orders were issued. While I’m very grateful I still have a job, working from home has been exhausting.. reading your stories on break have really picked up my mood, so thank you. It’s much needed and appreciated.

And I have to say, you’re amazing with Sesshoumaru’s character. You can make him so funny without losing any of his badass-ness in the process.
Mynameishuman chapter 1 . 4/7
So funny and flippin cute. Loved it.
Baesagi.Tsukino chapter 1 . 4/2
Love this and I wish it were longer!
Nightwalk chapter 1 . 3/28
¡Joder! ¡No sabes cuanto me reí con esto! Fue espectacular, me reí bastante jaja. ¡Gracias tesoro!
TinyBurrito chapter 1 . 3/28
Oh but what about Kouga's reaction?! XD This was very funny and enjoyable. Lots of love!
Alimak2103 chapter 1 . 3/28
eu adorei a historia hahahahaha
apesar de ter começado de uma forma que nunca imaginaria acontecendo com os personagens
mas voce soube desenrolar perfeitamente e encaixar
eu comecei a shipar sesshomaru e kagome a algum tempo
e toda fic que posso ler com eles nao deixo escapar
Western Lord chapter 1 . 3/28
Oh my gosh! This is absolutely perfect. This damn good. This is sooo cute, soooo funny, soooo romantic, sooo everything. I totally looooove this. Please keep writing like this and I'll keep reading this. After reading this I feel like I need a guy like this who will turn my every flaws into a virtue. Ohhhh man, I'm totally in love with this 3
Literary Fan chapter 1 . 3/28
It's pretty funny and cute how Sesshomaru spun it his way in order to get Kagome.

Thanks for posting.
Anika-san chapter 1 . 3/27
Jajajaja divertido
TaxLady0415 chapter 1 . 3/27
Snort! This one made me laugh out loud! What a sly dog, and how wonderful that he loves her as she is.
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