Reviews for A Wolf's Bane
redwolf2313 chapter 5 . 4/29
Please continue please
Guest chapter 5 . 4/10
Okay listen, maybe that reviewer shouldn’t have called you the b word, but I get what he/she was saying. If you want to write a story then write a story. People shouldn’t have to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ before you to write, and you shouldn’t expect them to. There’s no need to get super defensive, you asked for a review and they gave you one. Not all will be positive. that being said here is my review Based on this chapter. What even was this chapter? They are getting ready for school, then it’s after school and she wants the relationship a secret and then she blacks out...what? At this point this isn’t even a story it’s just words or jumbled thoughts . There’s no context, no development whatsoever. If you are serious about writing I think you should take the time to actually think about a plot, develop a storyline, build to it and stick with it. And while we are at it, a paragraph is about five sentences, and 2 paragraphs shouldn’t be a chapter. That is frustrating and a waste of time. You definitely should write more to develop yourself as a write but this isn’t a story and if this is what future chapters will look like, maybe you should stop and think about what you want to do And make an outline and then continue. You should definitely read “Like cats and dogs” by disnickyX. It is a good story told from both Tori and Jade’s point of view and in my option beautifully written. You can find it here. s/8693097/1/Like-Cats-and-Dogs . There are more stories executed just as well. Good Luck.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/9
Hi, I think the 3 is the better idea. I like your story, is great.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/8
I think you're being a bitch. The writing isn't that good, you should continue if you want to improve your writing and develop your story, but if you want to give up then do it. Don't put this on other people.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/8
I think the story very interesting. Think you should continue i would like to see how it will end.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/7
To be honest, chapters one and two could have been just one chapter. I don’t mind short chapters, but I feel like, in the first two chapters, nothing has really happened. You want to know if it is a good story and if you should continue, but based on what exactly ? You should definitely keep writing if you like. I’m not trying to discourage that or bring you down, but I think you should have developed the story more. Maybe added a bit more context or something. So far, all I got is “ ‘Roses are red, Violets are blue.’ Do you like it, should I continue? You have until Friday, I need 30 people to say yes or I’m finished.” But to answer your question, I don’t really care. There’s nothing there that makes me say ‘yes it’s a good story, continue.’ It has potential.
gemmaNCISfan chapter 3 . 4/7
Yes, I'm loving it so far
water pup chapter 3 . 4/7
Dude plz finish I love the story ️