Reviews for What Lies Beneath
gandalf.nho chapter 8 . 7/13
Only now discovered this fic, liking how Hiccup is represented and his relation with his family. And Toothless saving the day. And nice how several of the villagers defended Hiccup, even Mildew (but this Jerrick one sounds like he will cause a lot of trouble in the future...)
oneofahiccup chapter 8 . 7/7
Ahhh! This is actually so so good! Mind me, but they are all so well written and i can't stop and won't stop reading them over and over! This bond with Hiccup and Zephyr is so beautiful, a true father-daughter relationship. Wonderful job. So amazing!
soulofhorror chapter 7 . 7/4
hiccup arrange marriage au is a one that is pretty much milked to the bone. so guess how surprised i was to find this gem! this is amazing! love the plot and the writing both cant wait for more!
CHSHiccstrid chapter 8 . 7/4
Oh my gosh this story is so beautiful and sad and so full of emotions. You delve so deep into how everyone is feeling that it almost made me cry quite a few times. That is very unusual for me so good job I guess? I love how you’ve written Zephyr in this story and her relationship with Hiccup. I think your take on Astrid makes so much sense and I believe she was different before. Hiccups self doubt is written in this story like no other that I’ve ever read. It just seems so like him and breaks my heart even more. You go into such depth about everyone’s thoughts you can’t help but get caught up in the emotions. Thank you so much.
Eikntt chapter 8 . 6/27
Unrelated to the story, but this is Kitten here! I changed my username to be more anonymous, so please edit that in reviews, thanks!
KN Hudson chapter 8 . 6/26
I really loved this chapter!

I loved how the family is thinking and planning how they can help Hiccup to heal. Stoick has realized his mistakes from the past and seems very committed to doing better (better late than never!). I loved that Stoick is determined to make sure he stands up for Hiccup with the villagers. Astrid always has Hiccup and Zephyr's backs, and we even see Arne speaking up. I like how Arne is quiet and thoughtful, and also observant and understanding. I think he could become a friend/mentor/father figure to Hiccup, if they can get past past each other's barriers. Oh, wouldn't that be a cute fanfic-with Arne and Hiccup growing closer and maybe Stoick could be jealous!

I also loved the flashback to when Zephyr was a newborn and the dragon raid then. Zephyr really gave Hiccup a reason to live and has brought him so much joy, which he desperately needed. And we see more of Hiccup and Astrid re-building their relationship and becoming strong partners.

I'm sure that Astrid and Sigrid can teach Zephyr to be quite the warrior when she's a little older-and those other kids better stay on Zephyr's good side then!

And then the dragon raid. Toothless-yay! Is it awful that I am also worried about the Nightmare? Is that Hookfang or just a random Nightmare? Of course I'm glad that Toothless saved Hiccup and Zephyr. But I can't help feeling sorry for the Nightmare too, so badly injured and it was only acting under the influence of the Red Death and because it was in pain and scared.

I do love how Toothless saved the day, and it's interesting how he and Hiccup interact in this world. But the pain Toothless felt in his tail concerns me. I hope he's okay.

It was a very touching scene when everyone thought that Hiccup and Zephyr were dead. I wish Hiccup could have seen and heard it. It would have reassured him that the villagers are sincere in their desire to make amends. I'm surprised that Jerrick survived, what with Astrid, Stoick, and Gobber all there, lol! He's lucky he didn't end up in little pieces.

And an even more touching scene when Hiccup and Zephyr came home. I'm glad that Hiccup got to see everyone being supportive by bringing them supplies. And now that Toothless is back, maybe they can do something about ending those dragon raids.

What an amazing chapter, and a total package with emotions and angst and action too. I'm so excited to see what happens next!
KN Hudson chapter 7 . 6/23
Oh, poor Hiccup! I feel so badly for him (how many times have I said that in this fic?). It would be a jolt to go from being ignored/looked down upon, to having everyone being solicitious and friendly. I feel like people are genuinely remorseful and trying to make amends, but I couldn't blame Hiccup for wondering about their sincerity as no one has been like that before. In any case, it would be difficult for someone as withdrawn as Hiccup has become to suddenly be the center of attention. I can't blame him for being anxious. It is concerning though, that he seems so emotionally fragile.

I do like the twins and they seem very caring here. Ruffnut made me grin with her comment about how Fishlegs has made her a softie. You know, I like Ruffnut and Fishlegs together-they complement each other.

Sigrid is such a good mom, too. It's very sweet how she took care of Hiccup and comforted him. Astrid was very fortunate to have had loving parents and to have grown up, and how sad that Hiccup wonders if his childhood would have been happier if he had had his mom, or if Stoick had been different.

I just love Zephyr-she's such a cutie! And you write from her POV very well. Even though the chapter as a whole is more serious, I do enjoy the little comic touches like Mulch being chases by the angry chicken. It's a good idea for Stoick and Astrid to take Zephyr along with them, sometimes, even if its just for short periods due to her young age. She can begin to learn about how to be chief and the villagers can see her in the role of heir and can get to know her better. It's too bad that Stoick didn't do the same with Hiccup when he was small. There are just so many things that could have helped smooth the path for Hiccup and the villagers; it's such a terrible shame that things got so bad.

It's so true how Hiccup was realizing that sometimes people are just so busy worrying about their own lives and problems, that they don't stop to consider others' difficulties. And it was heartbreaking how little Hiccup tried so hard to be helpful, only to be rejected time and again. It's no wonder he gave up on it all. It's also heartbreaking how Hiccup can't trust others, not even the children who invited Zephyr to play. I can see how he struggles with wanting to protect her and keep her from being hurt. But just as Stoick should have allowed Hiccup to train with the other children when they were young, I think Hiccup should allow Zephyr to play with the children. I believe they are sincere, and it could help her to make friends and begin to fit in better. But I also understand why Hiccup doubts and he just wants to protect Zephyr from the pain of betrayal that he felt as a child.

It's so terribly sad that Hiccup can't trust in anyone, except his wife and daughter, not even the other members of his family who actually do love and care for him. They've been bad at showing it in the past, but hopefully they are learning and they do want to do better. I hope it can work out.

And then you end with a cliffhanger! All your stories are fantastic-I have trouble deciding which is my favorite!
Wodenfang chapter 8 . 6/23
It was a great entrance from toothless and a lovely chapter. I'm surprised that guy speaking out when they thought hiccup and zephyr were dead didn't get his faced smashed in from a Inraged stoick
Ataruss chapter 8 . 6/22
Nice! A New Chapter!
I'm a bit late with my review. Sorry 'bout that.
First off: I really thought Hiccup would help the Nightmare. Until I realized that this Hiccup has a way different set of priorities. And again: I friggin love it. It makes him human. Well, more human than in the movies if you ask me. The movieversion is just too...perfect?trusting?naive? Yeah. Lets go with naive. But here his fatherhood shaped him to be more of a protector and less of a preserver. If you know what I mean. I really look forward to Toothless' role in your story. The fightscene was really well written. Not too long, not too short. But with the perfect amount of details.
But now I've got a question: Who the fuck is this Jerrik and where can I find and brutally murder him? I dont know why, but He pisses me off more than Snot. And thats a First for me.
Last but not least: Thanks again for the great reading expirience.
CajunBear73 chapter 8 . 6/22
More present and past blended in to show how Hiccup and Astrid progressed to where they are now. That Astrid made Hiccup comfortable as Husband and Wife, while helping him work to his strengths and explaining why he 'failed' in his past, made him more accepting of Astrid as his Wife. But 'why' she won't say she loves him and what he fears are her reasons to say she loves him, keep him distant in a home she really wants to fill with love for the family they are and are becoming.

He won't ask and she won't volunteer...both more afraid of what could be asked, answered or interpreted...than the answers.

Fleeing a wounded, angry dragon, doing his best with what Astrid taught him, only would have done so much until the Night Fury Hiccup released years before repaid the kindness with protection and a near connection between them that was interrupted for now. Possible that an injury will ground the Night Fury which Hiccup will eventually repair? We'll see.

The vigil at the young couple's home was marred by the one person who will continually try to exploit any opening he can slither into to take Astrid for himself and lord it over Berk for being what Hiccup wasn't. But there are those of Berk who smacked him back by telling Berk, even Mildew(?), that Hiccup possesses a strength of his character that Hiccup showed them all when they were beating his a$$ into the ground of Berk.

Their 'return from the dead' joyously celebrated by those closest to them, Hiccup, Astrid, Zephyr and the one on standby, rest and recover for the days ahead of them...

Wonder when Hiccup will stumble across the Night Fury and what Hiccup and Zephyr will have to say about their adventures in the woods from that night. And if Astrid learns about it, too.

Silvolde chapter 8 . 6/22
I think he's recognising that people are being genuine as well. This chapter certainly proved it.

Though I honestly can't remember who Jerrik is. Guess it doesn't really matter.

Is that a possible reverse Hiccup/Toothless scene we could have seen, if Hiccup hadn't taken the opportunity to run off? I.e instead of Hiccup approaching Toothless in the woods, Toothless approaches Hiccup?

Please make it so!

Anyway, I look forward to seeing Hiccup's status in the village continue to improve, like we saw in this chapter.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/22
Can we just speak about a certain line?
"He had thought that he would be ending his life soon. He had done his duty as the heir of Berk. He had taken care of his pregnant wife. Berk wouldn't need him once the baby was born, and surely Astrid and the baby would be better off without him."
Like what?! Was Hiccup actually planning suicide?!
Guest chapter 8 . 6/22
This twist on the story is so well done!
htvhtgjtdhzr chapter 8 . 6/22
This chapter was amazing... so much action and danger...and jerrik is raising a lot of red flags in my book...i mean they just "died"... this guy already trying to make moves...i just hope zephyr doesn't accidently talk about how toothless saved them. cant wait for hiccup and toothless to bond again when hiccup eventually goes to look for him...keep up the good work and hope u update soon
DrCyrusBortel chapter 8 . 6/22
Well-written, and a good take on the usual arranged marriage theme. Intrigued.
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