Reviews for I do, do you?
Guest chapter 1 . 6/3
"You didn't mean a damn thing you said to me, did you?"

"It was the best I could find on Google," Ragna admitted without shame.

-Ragna 2020 plz continue
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21
"Say yes!"
does me one better, says hell freaking yes
*euphoric squeals commences*
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17
...I'm starting to like this pairing a lot
Niphilim chapter 1 . 4/14
Adorable; the fluff enough to rot my teeth, you had me grinning like an idiot the whole way through and spilt a nice cup o' coffee I spent time brewin' (ง'̀-'́)ง

We've already held an extended conversation about the various ships in Blazblue. RagnaXKokonoe has been a fun idea people play with, and, though Celica and Lambda are still two gals I ship most with him, Kokonoe's definitely climbing up the ranking.

Two people who're more or less indifferent to each other and cooperate out of convenience than want, finding stories where they take intimate paths - 'n' is done in such a way that feels so dang natural at that! - pleases the hell out o' me. Like this line here: "Is...that it?" Blimy, that stings! But it was such a Kokonoe line lol

I didn't spot any technical mishaps while reading or anything I would change. Every piece of the puzzle, and you maintained a sarcastic flow that ended up becoming one of the cutest story's I've read in a while. 'Cept Bloodborne, 'cause Dark Souls is ten times better- play a real man's game Kokonoe!

I don't know what kind o' ideas y'got bubbling under the surface but you bet m'gonna be here t'read it! Amazing story, can't wait for the follow-up!
reader chapter 1 . 4/1
this is so good why is this so GOOD!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/28
"Is... that it?" I FELT THAT! Damn! Great story POT and I can't wait for more comedy XD
Mugen7 chapter 1 . 3/28
A poet and he didn't even know it (Rag's channelling his inner Yusuke for a linguistic approach, eh).

"Is... that it?" she says. Jeez, this girl is difficult. Although such a response seems natural. (Has to be something drastic to make her feel inspired, or elicit any form of a true genuine feeling. Ragna got WASTED. With that backlash, it's no wonder he comes off a guarded around others.) I would like to see (read) that. How he managed to earn Nine's approval. (How much did she make him suffer before giving the green light...?)

"It was the best I could find on Google." Hear, hear! Quick an' easy; it helps. XD

Overall, an enjoyable read. Ciao.
KindredWriter chapter 1 . 3/27
So funny, so cute, so, GOOD. Once Kokonoe said "what the FUCK" I lost my mind. Ragna, you lovable dork lmfao
Beard-Cutter chapter 1 . 3/26
I love how this whole thing played out. Ragna messing things up and Kokonoe's casual treatment of a man bending to a knee to spend the rest of her life with him wasn't only cute, but fucking hilarious.

I'm curious as to what plot your opposing fic has. Will Kokonoe, instead of saying yes, say no and we skip the fluff?
Guest chapter 1 . 3/25
An idea that's the stark opposite of this? What is Jubei gonna divorce his wife to ask Terumi for his hand in marriage?
Wild Blue Sonder chapter 1 . 3/25
Yep, it's still cute. Great job!
Almightylord chapter 1 . 3/25
Laughed my ass off once Ragna got on his knee. Oh my god this story is comedy fucking gold XD