Reviews for The Allure of the Dark Angel
Guest chapter 23 . 4/16
I read this story years ago and after watching the films again, I remembered it. I still love the story and it brought a tear to my eye. Well Done!
S.W chapter 23 . 9/30/2018
Beautiful work. Made me cry.
snake-in-fire chapter 11 . 5/13/2017
Wow, that is all I can say. I found your story in the morning and still can't stop the reading...:)
JB chapter 23 . 8/29/2016
An absolutely AMAZING story! You have kept the cannon characters true and have made me fall in love with those not of Tolkien's original world.
I've lost sleep, not wanting to put this one down. :)

Truly, great work! Thank you!
A chapter 23 . 7/31/2015
Oh my god. I loved this story so much. Beautiful.
DefenestratedCountess chapter 23 . 3/20/2015
This has left me speechless! What a wonderful storyline, and you've written is so beautifully.
You've truly created your own characters without relying on the fellowship or scenes from the films as a crutch.
punky warhammer chapter 23 . 3/21/2014
holy….! dear and holy gods of light! you are a true writer white raven and have my respect and admiration. well done! i've read a lot of fan fiction and have truly enjoyed this tale. it's no easy thing to write of the villain and not make them have a cartoony air or one dimentional, but you've allowed for the faults (in both characters) and let them be faults without trying to make it all disney-esk in the end.
thank you for this..
i look forward to reading more, for you've made the reading a true pleasure.
thank you!
JillyBean09 chapter 23 . 6/6/2013
This was wonderful. I myself had felt that Peter Jackson's version of this character was so much more vivid, and had so much more potential. The scene where he witnesses what he has helped create and seems to realize what he has done, always stood out to me. Thank you for this amazing story!
Udumuhv chapter 23 . 6/14/2012
I'll have to salute you for this amazing piece of art.

*hands you a giant cookie*

Frankly, I have no idea how on earth did I find this story or why I started reading it (as I've never given Grima a second thought) but I'm glad I did it.

This fanfiction is truly unique and extraordinary. Also, it is well-written and realistic, especially the portrayals of characters. I would be lying if I would say that I understand Maeve's choices completely but for the most part I do, thanks to your subtle explanations through the story. Maeve's heart struggles with her brain, she loves and hates Grima at the same time.

There are few fics that mention the sexual encounters and "serving" the lords so freely. It also added a realistic touch because this was a part of everyday life for them and it was really refreshing that Maeve wasn't über-innocent and naive giggler.

Poor Swidhelm though.

"So this is what dead men dream." Despite everything it was amusing, because I do believe that Grima did think for a moment that he was truly dead.

"There are men in the world so noble and courageous, their deeds will be written in books and told in song. Your father is not one of these men."

I loved it, I loved Maeve and her love for Grima. Nearly impossible thing happened thanks to your creation as it lead me to believe that there IS something good in him. I still don't like him much but now at least I understand him.

Thank you!:)
Emerald447 chapter 23 . 6/13/2012
I am truly speechless. Never did I think I would find such a well written, in depth story about one of my favorite (and quite misunderstood) characters. You have quite a gift. This story took me two days to read. It is my favorite I have ever read in this fandom. And no story On this website has ever lead me to tears :P

Again, thank you for this. I cannot express in words how much I adore and love it.

Just perfect.
22darkmoon22 chapter 6 . 10/20/2011
I liked this part

He moved closer and I felt the conflicting sensations of wanting to step back and yet lean into him. Caught within the shadows of the Meduseld's wall, he was only half revealed by the moon's light and it sharpened his sunken features into forbidding lines. A healer's eyes see people in a different manner. Where most saw Wormtongue as an uncomely, sometimes grotesque being, I saw only a man with a debilitating illness, one that left its mark on his face, skin and ultimately his frame. I could appreciate the health and vigor of a blonde Rohirrim, having been beguiled by one into marriage. But age and experience had left me with a different appreciation and I now found myself drawn to a clever mind and even more clever tongue. I was unsure which was worse, and lamented my inability to turn my fascination toward a less dangerous man. It seemed I would never learn from my mistakes.

But manly

But age and experience had left me with a different appreciation and I now found myself drawn to a clever mind and even more clever tongue. I was unsure which was worse, and lamented my inability to turn my fascination toward a less dangerous man. It seemed I would never learn from my mistakes.

Alsaw I likeed this

"She is beautiful, is she not?" And I was shamed at the the taint of envy in my voice. Envy because, no matter my practicality, I longed to be blessed with such loveliness. That, and no matter the admiring gaze of a man like Swidhelm, I wanted the same from this man, a creature who exhibited both an unrivaled craftiness and sometimes craven demeanor.

And this

I shook my head, disheartened by his view. "I lost my naivete long ago, my lord. But I can still dream and see the finer things in what is around me. For now, I see a man of great intellect and deep emotion, possessed of a grace unique only to him."

He whipped around so fast that his cloak snapped against my legs and his eyes were bright with anger. I stepped back, stunned by the rapid change in his manner. There was no doubting he was furious at my words and he strode past me, pausing only to glare at me with a menacing expression.

"Beauty can hide the most rotten core, leech. My thanks for reminding me of it," he snarled, and disappeared into the shadows, leaving me flabbergasted and red-faced with astonishment.

It took a few moments for my heartbeat to slow and I ran a tired hand across my eyes. "Fool," I muttered, and could not say if I spoke of myself and my wayward tongue, or Grima and his penchant for seeing insult and cruel foolery where there was none.

This reminds me of severus snape

His mouth turned down, tightened into a line of contempt and I watched, curious, as he looked from me toward the direction of Isengard for a brief moment. "A naïve dreamer. You surprise me, Maeve Reod. I would not have thought such a weakness lay hidden within you."
22darkmoon22 chapter 5 . 10/20/2011
you know the way you wright is intelligent

you could write a book novel or series and then sell it. :)
22darkmoon22 chapter 4 . 10/20/2011
LOL! dirty thoughts anyone

. X SQUEEEEEE OMG (starts to think) *blush* ...FANTE...THUD

A brief, uncomfortable thought flitted through my mind and for the first time in such dealings with this man, I felt myself blush with mortification. What would it be like, I wondered, were the circumstances altered slightly and I found myself in this way before the son of Galmod, crouched not to heal a wound but to render pleasure?

22darkmoon22 chapter 3 . 10/20/2011
at frst i could not understand the writing style you where/are using. Now i understand the writing style your using

i liked that last pat

He bowed again before leaving the chamber. "My lady." And his tone was polite and respectful and so filled with a wanting as to make me blush and turn my eyes away

a round of aplas to you and Lord... *blush* Lord Grima...

*fangirl/club scream* LORD GRIMA! LORD GRIMA! LORD GRIMA!
22darkmoon22 chapter 2 . 10/20/2011
i apologise buti cannot understand the writing style you are using

i am sarry
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