Reviews for Arrow Rewritten: Season 2
Writing Avenger 2016 chapter 22 . 7/23
Nice work on the ending. Using the Squad in place of the League was a nice touch
Also if you need help with season 3, I’d be more than happy to lend a hand
aurorakasumi chapter 22 . 7/20
wow this was a great end to s2. I really liked the way you handled that scene on lian yu and I felt like that is how the show should have handled the love confession..

can't wait for your s3 rewrite whenever that may be
Bl4ckHunter chapter 22 . 7/19
Nice chapter.

Oliver recruiting the Suicide Squad was a nice touch and yeah, without Sara, the League wouldn't help. No kidding on the divide between fans.

Frankly, Thea coming with Malcolm, despite knowing what he had done, was stupid in the show.

Quentin slipping was funny.

Good ending.

Looking forward to what you write next.
Michael Moore2 chapter 22 . 7/19
Do you plan to include both parts of the flash arrow crossover
Jeda31 chapter 22 . 7/19
Oh my word that was an absolutely sensationally glorious and magnificently incredible awesome humdinger finale to this epic rewrite of season two.

Utterly loved how you brilliantly had Oliver think in his feet and use his tactical and strategic instincts to blackmail Waller into giving him the suicide squad to help fight and contain Slade’s army stupendously glorious and spectacularly fantastic fashion.’

Yes, great to see that although you had to go down the same route as they did in cannon with Oliver doing the whole fake Felicity as his love scene. You brilliantly shown it to be what everybody apart from deluded Olicity fans knew that it was nothing more than a tactical ruse to deceive Slade and that Laurel has always been the love of Oliver’s life and visa versa. While Oliver only see felicity as a friend or sister.

That is great news and eagerly looking forward to seeing when you do get around to writing, particularly for the inclusion of Sara, Ravand the league and please tell me we will be spared the whole Sara or somebody else dying in her place plot as you could remove that easily and come up with a better plot as to why Oliver draws the wrath of the league down upon himself.
RayWritesThings chapter 22 . 7/19
Congratulations on finishing this season rewrite! I quite enjoyed all the changes and really wish that the show had done it this way tbh. Getting Laurel involved in the main plot and having her suit up before Sara ever comes home does far more to establish her independence and agency from her sister.

I’m also glad that, despite including the Felicity kiss, you had Oliver reaffirm his feelings for Laurel, especially when acknowledging their history as a couple. It was definitely needed.

Lastly, I kind of loved the Suicide Squad being the ones to help out instead of the League so much more. It just made better sense? Plus Helena being included was a really fun bonus. All in all, I really enjoyed this finale, and I’ll be happy to wait for the season 3 rewrite.
Guest chapter 22 . 7/19
This was fun let's do it again.
Michael Moore2 chapter 21 . 7/15
When is Laurel getting her Canary cry
Jeda31 chapter 21 . 7/15
Oh my word that was a brilliantly sublime and magnificently majestically superb, awesomely incredible humdinger of a new chapter. As Starling City goes to utter hell in a hand basket as Slade’s micakura enhanced soldiers run riot throughout the city as Oliver and his allies do there best to contain and defeat them to the best of their ability even as though it seems as though the battle is unwindable, even with the cure back in their hands as it is always darkest before the dawn.

Great to see that Thea wasn’t duped or drawn in by the Machiavellian manipulations and lies that he peddled in attempt to get on side. Oh my word didn’t see Thea killing Malcolm and do have to wonder how that will affect her going forward to lead to her going down the hero or Villian path.
RayWritesThings chapter 21 . 7/15
Wow, I was not expecting that ending! Very curious to see what happens next. I also really liked that you gave Laurel a different scenario to showcase her heroism in than was in the episode.
HisSecretLover18 chapter 21 . 7/15
Is he really gone? Great chapter
Bl4ckHunter chapter 21 . 7/15
Good chapter.

Nice that Laurel saved Sin and nice talk between them. Speaking of which, it's annoying how Sin was forgotten after Season 2 and showed up only in 3x12 when they tried to fight Brick and his army and then the writers ruined Sara by her constantly running and not giving her damn about her friends or family, because they wanted to focus on Olicity.

You know, as much as Felicity became annoying later, her friendship with Oliver in the early seasons was great, alongside her speech.

Curious to see how this ends.
Noah Nieves chapter 20 . 7/13
I have to questions :one is this like arrow season two like it has 3 parts of the finale we’ll probably for you two and two is Oliver and laurel going to stay together cause if yes I would be so happy
RayWritesThings chapter 20 . 7/11
Things are really coming to a head now! I liked the change of Quentin revealing he knows the Green Arrow’s identity since obviously Laurel already knows in this story. The smaller stuff like him and Oliver acknowledging Laurel was right about Blood after all and Diggle actually pointing out it was not great of Felicity to call a woman diabolical at her own memorial were nice touches, too. The conclusion to all this should be interesting to read!
Jeda31 chapter 20 . 7/11
Well,,well that was a gloriously beautiful and sensationally awesome filler of a chapter and retelling of that episode. As the board is set and the pieces are moving in preparation for the final climatic battle between Oliver and Slade and their respective allies and minions.

Loved how instead of it being the woman he loves talking him out of his insanity and hail Mary self sacrifice. It was the man whom he has come to see as a father figure reminding him of the hero he is and showing him a way to save this city by taking down blood and slade’s army with ruthless and efficient prejudice.
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