Reviews for Fractured Reflections
TaxLady0415 chapter 11 . 5/30
Love how you present their differences. He recognizes that she is building her strength, then bemoans that he is falling to his weakness. What he lacks the emotional maturity to recognize is that his interest in her is not his weakness. His true weakness is his over-whelming ego and willful blindness to his true flaws. She's growing as a person, fighting to become self-reliant and to overcome her not surprising but completely undeserved self-loathing for mistakes of her youth and humanity. Meanwhile, he has centuries of experience and yet still lacks the maturity to face himself honestly. The way he's going, it could take him a few more centuries.
Guest chapter 11 . 5/30
I love your portrayal of sesshoumaru! He seems very himself and not too much out of character. I can’t wait to read what happens next between the’m 3
odaun chapter 10 . 5/10
The way you write is so poetic. Sesshomaru's guilt is overflowing but he's probably never dealt with such an emotion and want the feeling to go away.
TaxLady0415 chapter 10 . 5/10
Yes, because if she's inconsequential, then he doesn't need to feel guilt, either for what he did or for never telling her the truth. Insufferable jerk.
TaxLady0415 chapter 9 . 5/3
Relocating to the slayer's village and working to improve her strength were good decisions for Kagome. However, I hope that she has some companion for her trip.
odaun chapter 1 . 4/26
If there's anyone obligated to help Kagome, it's freaking you sesshomaru. So I was right about Kagome potentially turning into an alcoholic. And throwing inuyasha's death in an emotionally and physically crippled woman's face is low.
RakelLuvre chapter 8 . 4/26
Pues es el capítulo que más me ha gustado. Gracias fue hermoso.
TaxLady0415 chapter 8 . 4/25
Yeah, actually he does have an obligation to her - he disfigured her and permanently affected her ability to have a family life in the only era left to her. She was always an outgoing, loving person, but now everyone, except her closest friends, is repulsed by her or pities her. And this comes on top of losing Inuyasha and her family. I don't believe in drowning one's sorrows, but can understand how someone hurts so much that they just want to numb the pain. Yes, although she needs to try to overcome the lousy hand she's been dealt, if she wants any life at all, it's not surprising that she is lost right now.

What a thorough hypocrite he is: he scolds her and sneers at her for being careless, but, ah, he was pretty damn careless when he caused her injury. Rather than admit his fault, his response to Sango was "it was not intentional." Since Kagome didn't die from his recklessness, that should be good enough; no contrition necessary, no telling her the actual truth. She thinks she deserved the injury for being weak, not knowing he was to blame. He piles derision on her so that he can feel guiltless: she's not worth my concern so my actions weren't bad. Throwing Inuyasha's death at her was very low. And, news flash, jackass, if you're with someone who is inebriated, why did you watch them get so close to the cliff edge? Sorry for the tirade, but the Killing Perfection is a self-centered jerk.
SammyJams chapter 8 . 4/25
I’m with Sessh in this one - she needs to wake up and stop spiraling!
odaun chapter 7 . 4/20
He's upset that Rin chose to stay in Edo despite how blase he appeared, but there's something else eating away at him...possibly guilt over Kagome?
SammyJams chapter 7 . 4/19
I wonder what is happening with him?!
Darkfarie3590 chapter 7 . 4/19
he seems a bit stressed
TaxLady0415 chapter 7 . 4/19
It appears that he is upset, hopefully with himself. Kagome thanked him for saving their lives, but he never actually confessed that his inattention and negligence caused her injury. She's still berating herself for essentially being human. However, he, with his superior senses and training, could have easily killed the snake demon without carelessly spewing acid, only he didn't deign to notice who else might be in the path of destruction. So, yes, he should suffer some guilt.
TaxLady0415 chapter 6 . 4/19
Is he trying to ease his own conscience by picking at her incessantly about her reasons for no longer teaching? Does he acknowledge any guilt - because she sure is holding herself to impossible standards.
odaun chapter 6 . 4/12
Oh dear. I'm pretty sure sesshomaru won't let her become a full blown alcoholic. Especially now that Rin is around full time.
You're really making me feel for Kagome. I teared up a little when she was debasing herself over not being able to protect Inuyasha or Rin. Her self-esteem is in the gutter. This is such a refreshing read!
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