Reviews for Jon Dayne
lostxinxthexdarkness chapter 7 . 4/25
Good fic so far, I'm looking forward to seeing where things go from here.
Perseus Apollyon chapter 6 . 4/3
On the horizon...cruelty? Damn, that's a bit extreme, haha, let's see this cruelty.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/2
Why is his name Jon? That name has no significance for Ashara or the Dayne's. Why is he in the capital?

Can't get past the first section. "Not Impossible" you mean possible? Then you say "Common Jon" instead of Come on Jon. This is basic stuff that reflects badly on your story. Jon is such a whiner. He's seriously wondering why he can't defeat the best swordsmen in Westeros at 14 years old? Come on man. This is just ridiculous.
Perseus Apollyon chapter 5 . 3/30
Benjen is awesome. Aside from Arya, the stark women are bitches, and Rhaenys smh, minx is very accurate. Nice work.
ygrekks chapter 4 . 3/30
Why would he cry? C'mon! It's not like he had known Ned his whole life and he longed to meet his half brothers. Why would he care about Robb not knowing about him?
Perseus Apollyon chapter 4 . 3/29
Yeh man, I appreciate your Aegon and Jon scenes as well. Fuck, him and Robb look like boys already. Fuck yeah. Another fuck you to Lady Stark the biggest ho in this bitch smh. I feel bad for Allyria tho, Rhaenys and Daenerys beat her to Jon Haha. My boy got it good.
Perseus Apollyon chapter 3 . 3/29
Dawn and Dusk huh, awesome. Big step in this chapter from the last one. My boy almost got some, always the parents that fuck that up tho. Oh well, better luck next time. Rhaenys tho, damn lol.
ZodiacsKlaroline chapter 5 . 3/29
I Hope Rae and Dany find out what Catelyn did. And teach the Fish her place. I can see Rae going all out on her. Maybe Egg will say something too. Can't wait for Dany and Jon kiss. Update soon please
xionsd chapter 5 . 3/29
Well the plot is furthering I do have to ask how the hell are you gonna marry Jon to two princess if the king hate him... Alyria is ok she have the least of the trouble in that regard also a little thing I have noticed you don't separate the flashbacks or memories of Jon and make a little confusing at times when reading so if you put a flashback note or use a cursive letter to differentiate between memories and the present it would help the reader's when reading your story
Perseus Apollyon chapter 2 . 3/27
It would be one hell of an adventure. Probably the first negative portrayal of Rhaegar I've seen on the site. Just never imagined him to be such a dick. Oh well. Good work tho, just saw the pairing and I gotta say, it's a good choice. Also this little bromance between Jon and Aegon is cool as well.
Perseus Apollyon chapter 1 . 3/27
Great start, tho why the fuck is Jon Connington still the hand. Smh.
ygrekks chapter 2 . 3/26
Ugh, almost the obligatory 'I'll protect them all' coming from Jon. Truly, I should've expected it, but I still hope that I'll find a story with an ambitious MC.

Anyway, actually great job with the explanation about why Rhaegar did nothing to help his friend Arthur. I don't think it's a very good explanation. I mean how would anyone know that they brought children from ToJ to Starfall I'll never know, as well as I can't understand why would Arthur stop fighting Ned and Reed after his companions were killed off. Also, the fact that they somehow got so far into the castle without making any ruckus is also very improbable but well.

I think my favorite moment was Egg's insecurity at the end. Pretty good
ygrekks chapter 1 . 3/26
Okay, it's somewhat of a nice start to the story, but I don't understand why would Jon even be in the capital. I mean bastards are accepted in Dorne, not in the rest of the Westeros, so the whole thing is a little off, especially if no one really wants him there. I'm also surprised that Rhaegar does nothing against it, considering that Arthur is one of his closest friends.
Other than that, Dawn is not a Valyrian Sword. It is not made from Valyrian Steel and it's very unlikely that Valyrians forged it, considering that Daynes were in Westeros long before the invasion.
Also, yeah, Jon seems to be very simple. I kind of miss a little broody Jon Snow now
Cass chapter 1 . 3/24
Thanks for sharing this! Honestly, I feel for Jon in this instance. Why wouldn't Jon be angry at his biological father for abandoning him?

We often give Ned Stark too much credit in fanfic for doing the bare minimum. Is it noble to ignore your child because you've married someone else? Is it noble to allow a child to bear the brunt of the disapproval/disdain if you've fathered them outside of your marriage? In my opinion, the answer is no.

I also appreciate the difference in plot as there are few stories in which Arthur Dayne raises Jon as his son.
DireWolf96 chapter 2 . 3/23
You've made Ned Stark look like a villian. Arthur should have known Ned only married Catelyn because he thought Lyanna was abducted and Brandon was killed by the Mad King. So inorder to muster up an army he needed the riverlands so he had to sacrifice his love I think he would've married Ashara if Brandon had been alive. So it was all Rhaegar's and Lyanna's fault for running away without telling anyone
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