Reviews for Alone
BackTheBlue chapter 1 . 5/30
I'm going to say it, hands down one of the best stories I ever read, I love it and I hope somewhere in the future we will see more of this from Hiro/Karmi to Hiro/GoGo either way this story is amazing.
Anonymous chapter 1 . 5/10
As someone who has gone through some serious depression, I can say that you’ve really done the series and the feelings of someone who has gone through it justice. I had a rough night’s sleep, and wanted to read something that would hurt me. I truly did not expect to be hit so hard. I personally relate to your Hiro seeing as I have vehemently opposed going to seek help. My wife has been so worried recently, but money has been tight. I think I’m ready to seek counseling. Thank you. Sincerely.
A friend chapter 1 . 5/5
I can relate. I have depression and anxiety. Lucky me! And I went through... A dark place. Very dark. And I was lucky enough to have friends to help me. So I hope you do too. Cause things are going to get better. They always do. In the end, you will come back stronger than before. And you will never look back. So keep fighting, the battle is far from over.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/16
Sending a big hug! I've gone through many dark patches and it's not easy, but I always tell myself I have to keep moving forward. There are so many things I want to do, and whether u know it or not, there are people that deeply care about you and will be there for you. This chapter was amazing, I was really moved. Hope you're doing better
Baymaksu chapter 1 . 4/12
Just a heartfelt thank you for this and I pray that you can get to a better state if being. This! This is the reason why I have been drawn to Big Hero 6, why I found myself watching it over and over again as some form of therapy. Bc it somehow made me feel like my depression wasn’t unique. And that healing could be possible. I spent my entire young adult life and up until now to finally get myself to seek help and be diagnosed with depression, after the roughest year of my life made me fall further than I’d like to admit.

And this chapter was so well-written, that it just reflected some thoughts and feelings I’ve since long held. Some of Hiro’s thoughts, reflecting my own and many times ad verbatim. Your work speaks, it brings to light the importance of having help and support. But of the all too real feelings of just wanting the pain to stop, how it can drive you away from folks who only wish to be there for you.

I just want to thank you. You are an amazing person and writer, who has woven a beloved universe and created something that speaks to the heart. It’s a guilty pleasure to see more development of Karmi and Hiro’s relationship you’ve created. But this chapter does so much more and I thank you for it. Take care.
Matt chapter 1 . 4/1
Just read this after posting about wanting H.t.H. Hope you get your life together then post story, I’ll be patient.
Denoyt chapter 1 . 3/22
Incluso en México tienes a alguien que se alegra con tus historias, espero que leas esto y espero que te mejores pronto.
Pabs117 chapter 1 . 3/22
Hi, hello, the story was very emotional, it make me cry in some parts, it was very nice everything, the dificulties, the support, the love that the characters have for each other, you just keep proving why you are one of my favorite writers, i simply love everyone of your stories. And the part were Hiro admites he have a cruch on Karmi, and Karmi puting a camara in KarMini, those two are for each other.

I have too been in very depressing moments in my life, not as dark as other people but just was bad as anyone. Just you know you have my support, we don't know eachother but your stories really help me in a lot of times, so thank you, and i wish you good luck in your life. No matter how much darkness there is around a person, it is always important to remember that there is always a light even deep down the darkness, we just need to keep looking for it, in the end we always find it.
ploting chapter 1 . 3/22
We are here for you friend you don't need to be alone, we will help you in all the ways possible. Eventhou most of us never met face to face we are here for you to help in all the ways possible.
tontheoffbalance chapter 1 . 3/21
Surprised you didn’t include him being hunted by the police. That would at least leave a dent in his psyche. You should in a different fic. As always spot on characterization. Not sure what’s up with the dolls though. It’s great Granville stepped up like that, and everyone else.
I know I sound like a broken record but I implore you to apply for a writer on the show.
At the very least pitch one if your ideas, trust me, the show would skyrocket because did you, and Disney would gladly send you a ninja to commute to work.
(If they get rid of Gabby Duran and the unsittables, maybe you can work for that show. Trust be it can only be improved)
Guardian of the Inheritance chapter 1 . 3/21
Good job keep it up