Reviews for Nothing Left to Lose
keemew2 chapter 1 . 5/6
This was a very nice piece, though it has its hiccups. While a prose version of an animated scene loses something from its cinematography, it definitely gains something through its insight and depth. It could have used a touch more emotional pacing to add to the scene by scene description you provided. I mean, you did a really nice prose representation, but the prose turned very purple and left the emotion be mostly imagined by the reader. I do like the way it waxes poetical, though, and the fact that it uses a form of run on sentences to stagger what's written between the songs. My only complaint is that the tactic is used a little too much. A few extra periods here and there and some semi colons would do wonders for this.
For the most, part, however, this was done beautifully. Thank you for this.
Jesusfollower97 chapter 1 . 4/27
WOW! *Standing ovation of applause and snapping* This was pure art. Such a poetic telling of my favorite scene. My only tiny side note is that most of the comma's would've worked better as periods. Regardless, I really liked this. Thank you for sharing your work!
jnjohnson chapter 1 . 3/9
This was so amazing! Very detailed and a great insight into the song ‘Nothing left to Lose’. Heartbreaking, but amazingly written! Hope you write more!