Reviews for crash into you
Leliaert chapter 3 . 6/28
I’d read the SHIT out of a James/Hermione multichaper fic — just in case you needed encouragement ;) Thanks for writing!
MarcellaDix chapter 3 . 6/4
Huh. Somehow, I did not expect this to end well. But I guess a messy end would've taken another few chapters. Great writing, even though I'm somewhat shocked by the happy end. I guess life has taught me differently. Thank you for this story!
MarcellaDix chapter 2 . 6/4
Oooh, girl. Developing feelings for a married man is not a bright idea, even if he's apparently going for a divorce. And now sad that Harry took so long to finally see Hermione's worth, but I guess even if he'd done so earlier, he wouldn't have been enough for her, she was far too invested in the idea of them.
MarcellaDix chapter 1 . 6/4
Brilliant start. Love the muggle AU setting, very believable. Hermione's frustration and upset at Harry's wild oat sowing is nicely tangible. Great work!
voicesofmelodies chapter 3 . 5/29
i hope this continues ! great story!
The cat with blue eyes chapter 3 . 4/14
this was a really really great story! heartbreaking but so good! I loved their emotions the guilt they felt and we'll everything. it felt so real...
Guest chapter 3 . 4/3
I loved it!
Grahamgirl93 chapter 3 . 3/27
Loving this pairing!
Brizriina chapter 3 . 3/24
Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed this story
catalina05 chapter 3 . 3/24
Love the story.
Antjex3 chapter 3 . 3/22
I enjoyed your writing like always. the infidelity isn't my favorite to read. but because it was your writing I decided to give it a chance. still don't like the subject but the writing was superb.
KD1030 chapter 3 . 3/22
Hmm. Interesting. I'd love to see how this would play out NOT as an AU. I've been on an "older man" reading kick lately and this was a delightful entry.
SereniteRose chapter 3 . 3/22
what an exciting new third chapter, it all came out, poor Hermione, I dope things will get better for her, so much drama, I love it. thanks ever so much.
Black Banshee chapter 3 . 3/22
Thank you for this story.
xXMizz Alec VolturiXx chapter 3 . 3/22
Wow incredible end
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