Reviews for Scars To Your Beautiful
bbmassey88 chapter 1 . 7/1
Loved it!
sue1zide chapter 1 . 4/3
This has to be the biggest asshole Edward I've read, to date.
KDMCAM chapter 1 . 3/21
With that description of her i can see why she is so hum drum looking!
My Friend Alice chapter 1 . 3/9
Fun first chapter!
ruinedbyrob chapter 1 . 3/9
You know I'm ALL in! First, I'm a sucker for Asswards, and I read EVERYTHING you guys write!

Can't wait to see how you make this Edward earn his redemption.

quinzy chapter 1 . 3/8
twiclare chapter 1 . 3/8
He’s awful, I hope you’re planning on taking him down a peg or two!
motherbeatrice chapter 1 . 3/7
what an ass, I hope she knocks his knees out from under it...
archy12 chapter 2 . 3/7
Thanks. I will add it to my alerts. :)
BitterHarpy chapter 1 . 3/7
Why do you feel the need to announce your departure? I don't care if you don't read. But like you said, it's fiction. *insert eye roll*

I’m passing on this one, all these Grey Anatomy stories are the same. I know this is fiction but no doctor would behave this way in a hospital and still have their job or residency . It’s trashy!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/4
I’m passing on this one, all these Grey Anatomy stories are the same. I know this is fiction but no doctor would behave this way in a hospital and still have their job or residency . It’s trashy!
Sassy Mami chapter 1 . 3/6
I hope she’s able to put him in his place! Thanks for the new story :)
tff000 chapter 1 . 3/6
good. hopefully she lets him have it at some point
SassYNoleS chapter 1 . 3/5
First off .. I loved the little before note ;) It cracked me up !

Secondly ... I so want to jam that pastrami on rye fair up Edward's ass! Then I'd take his dry cleaning and shove it in with the bio hazard bins and tell him to go and collect it himself .. And thirdly, I'd slap the shit out of his arrogant self centred arse .. No matter how fucking delicious said arse would be, I'd slap that arse and wouldn't get any pleasure out of it myself .. no siree ma'am I would not ;)

Edward's comments about Bella .. So fucking superficial .. I don't care how pretty you are, it you act like a douche, you are a douche .. one thing I can't wait for is for Bella to knock his socks off and give him a taste of his just deserts !

Poor Bella :(

I in real life am like Rose .. Well sort of like Rose cause ya know she has no fat to juggle anywhere has boobs that sit where they're suppose too, no cellulite or blemishes .. oops I've gotten off track.

I am the outspoken friend that will stick up for those that need it whilst also encouraging them to stand up for themselves ;) I love that Rose and Bella are friends because she is going to need her encouragement now more than ever.

Yeah, Esme, she sounds like a real keeper .. I don't think much of mummy dearest .. *Note my sarcasm*

Loved the STD line Rose threw towards Jake hahahaha and he took it in his stride!

And TYLER ! I am hearting the shit out of him right now .. I'd love to see him stick up for Bella around Edward .. But didn't his, hard to be pissed at someone you barely notice comment ..

I always love the way you make me feel like Sybil when reading your stories .. I go from one extreme to the next .. and you literally have me frothing like Cujo waiting for the next chapter ;)

Enough of my mini novel of a review .. Cannot wait for more my Bitter~Sweet ;)
cullengirl08 chapter 1 . 3/5
Well, he certainly needs an attitude adjustment! Poor Bella. Here's hoping things get better for her - and soon!
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