Reviews for Guardian Angel
Joana A chapter 49 . 6/10
Very logic career path for Kate. Well thought! You could make a whole series from this.
Castle4Eva chapter 78 . 6/8
just finished this story. enjoyed the addition of Jackson Hunt. On to Marlowe Prep...
Jbug47 chapter 78 . 5/25
I read your whole story in two days! I loved it. Johanna coming to Kate was ingenious and brought Rick to her sooner. You have written an intriguing tale and I’m looking forward to more in Murder in Marlow Prep! Thanks for continuing writing Caskett stories.
jennkyle chapter 77 . 5/20
I'm so happy johanna was there for Kate and rocks wedding every bride needs their mom at a wedding and did Jack really think he would make it with them not seeing him in such a small room great job
jennkyle chapter 76 . 5/20
Great chapter great job once again
Ellen Outlaw chapter 78 . 5/19
Great story. Can't wait for next one.
leingh chapter 78 . 5/19
oh you scared me for a minute. I cant wait love this story
FlavorCountry chapter 78 . 5/19
What a delightful story.

Thank you.
rokipatches chapter 78 . 5/19
Can,t wait! Loved this story and I am sure I will love the next...Thanks Sally for all the wonderful stories you write
sasans chapter 78 . 5/19
I'm fine with where you ended this especially since the new story continues on in this universe. I look forward to it. I really enjoyed this this story and don't mind visitors at all. Thank you for your time and talent.
blodi52 chapter 78 . 5/19
Great story! Thanks!
life's a mystery chapter 78 . 5/19
great update :)
txgal2015 chapter 78 . 5/19
Thank you Sally! I loved this story, and can't wait for the new one.

tallcajun chapter 78 . 5/19
A wonderful story with many facets. I particularly liked having Johanna and Jackson present. Your Castle stories maintain an integrity to the canon premise of Castle & Beckett working together, solving crime. Thank you for all these years of storytelling.
castle2824 chapter 78 . 5/19
That we shall. Thanks again.
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