Reviews for The Journals
drpharmgrl chapter 13 . 7/29
They met! Yah! Looking forward to dinner on the terrace.
mommymac0508 chapter 13 . 7/28
Wow I just read all 13 and I am in awe I love how everything is playing out
Guest chapter 13 . 7/24
Thank you for the update.
Guest chapter 13 . 7/24
"Edward pointed passed Bella's bed..." It's PAST. "Passed" is a verb. "Past" sometimes is an adverb that tells "where."
lillianolivia.white chapter 13 . 7/25
Yes, I remember Lucy. And I agree that JamEs and Vic weren’t suited very well. So it appears that Riley is a good guy in this story. I even got excited when Edward finally appeared. I loved the song Edward sang to her. Love this story.
tawelephant chapter 13 . 7/25
OH MY GOD! Phantom is my ALL TIME FAVORITE! I always thought Christine should’ve been with him. Cannot wait for more.
cullengirl08 chapter 13 . 7/25
I just started this story and am now all caught up! I am so happy that Edward and Bella have finally come face to face and will now be getting to know each other in the present. I'm looking forward to seeing how turns out!
chartwilightmom chapter 13 . 7/25
Gah! Finally, and worth the wait. More soon please!
traceybuie chapter 13 . 7/25
Bella has met everyone then? I'm looking forward to Edward and Bella talking in person. Thanks for writing and sharing.
sandy4321 chapter 13 . 7/25
Great chapter! Love this story!
Rita01tx chapter 13 . 7/25
Jasper was/is the ultimate bad boy gone good LOL! And I wish they'd given him the same wig in all the movies as he had in Eclipse!
fuz chapter 13 . 7/25
Thank you.
Rebadams7 chapter 13 . 7/25
Edward has a bit of a naughty romantic streak
KatHat4 chapter 13 . 7/25
So she has figured it out that they are priming everything for her to be with Edward, changed and join the family. I think Edward has already won her over with his stories, but needs to woo her in person. What a wonderful touch with that song!
NeeNee246 chapter 13 . 7/25
I love this story! I am excited for more! ;)
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