Reviews for Portal: Convince Me
ColonelJayWrites chapter 1 . 5/30
Haha, this was very amusing. Slightly felt bad for Wheatley, but I know he deserved it.
offbrandbiscuit chapter 1 . 4/4
Very interesting premise. That was quite an enjoyable read!
MadnessJones chapter 1 . 3/6
If only the game gave us this option. LOL! I laughed at the part where Chell says “Because it was his idea”. Classic! She better hope nobody was still alive down there though, because otherwise she really did just sell out a bunch of people to save herself. To be fair though, she has no reason to believe they’re not dead. Wheatley is bad at his job, after all. Good job on this fic :)
Lady Isludis chapter 1 . 3/2
Dang this got dark, but I like the premise a lot!