Reviews for The Harley and the Revy
Guest chapter 11 . 4/12
This was a veeeeeeeeeeeeery OOC fic.
mr grimjaw chapter 5 . 2/26
cant wait for the revenge this was good chapter i liked it
mr grimjaw chapter 4 . 2/25
great chapter
mr grimjaw chapter 3 . 2/25
lol they killed alot of peolpe lol this chaptet was funny
mr grimjaw chapter 2 . 2/25
this getting better i hope Revy and Harley become a couple have some good lemons
mr grimjaw chapter 1 . 2/25
great start those you may want to fix the part about Revy haveing red hair its more black/brownish hair other then that great chapter i wonder how they handle batman oh there a lot of gangs in Gotham hotel Mascho would have handel Flacone his family hes a big fish in Gotham rules the whole city thoue thaire pingun and two face to handle has well .