Reviews for Building A Grimm Family
Cocoella15 chapter 11 . 4/15
Love the story excited for more! However I did find a couple of places in the story that were a bit hard to follow purely due to the fact there was a lack of a visible indication of a time jump, which made reading some points of the story a bit confusing. Now I’m not sure if the issue is due to me using the FanFiction app (it shouldn’t be, but you never know) or if it was just something you may have missed but I’d thought I would make you aware of it so you can correct it and improve your writing. But other than that as I said earlier I love the story its a very interesting and unique plot that I’ve never come across before. Keep up the good work!
bones71 chapter 11 . 4/9
I Siriusly love this story did a little happy dance when Molly went to far so Arthur could become family with his sons again. Love the pairings too. Aww lots of squishy cuddly babies too. Looking forward to the next chapter x
DarkRavie chapter 11 . 3/31
I really like this story. It's an excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
HoneyBear84 chapter 11 . 3/26
Love it so far and seriously can't wait for the next update
Princess Silverstar chapter 3 . 3/2
only in d 2nd chapterloving it!
katmom chapter 11 . 2/19
Well done! Thanks for sharing.
katmom chapter 10 . 2/19
Yes, get packing!
katmom chapter 9 . 2/19
More family. Excellent.
katmom chapter 8 . 2/19
katmom chapter 6 . 2/19
Collecting friends and allies.
katmom chapter 5 . 2/19
katmom chapter 4 . 2/19
katmom chapter 3 . 2/19
katmom chapter 2 . 2/19
tuelles chapter 11 . 2/18
Another great story! So we've gone through the veil and now Harry's been exiled. Does that mean we can look forward to a house arrest story? Not sure look forward is the right term but you know what I mean. LOL.
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