Reviews for Growing Up Too Fast
draco0xd chapter 3 . 8/25
I must say you are really good with drama, and the way the characters emotions are put into words is really immersive. You can realy relatw with their emotions. Can't avoid to wonder if you have been in a similar situation. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
PD: the pregnancy tests detects beta chorionic gonadotropin hormone, nothing else is needed, just an interesting fact I wanted to share.
WOKELAND chapter 3 . 8/20
this is good.

I'm expected for the next chapter
Blaze1 chapter 3 . 8/16
I've been anticipating this update for a while and I'm glad it's here. I loved Bobbie's response and it's not something you'd expect to see from him but how he coolly handled everything in the most mature manner possible was nice to see. The confrontation with the parents was interesting and I love how Ronnie is just unsure about everything but still has her heart set on her goal. Looking forward to the next chapter
Amanny chapter 3 . 8/16
I hope Ronnie Anne and Lincoln will be alright
Guest chapter 1 . 8/15
I haven't read it yet, but the description says everything. Amazing :)
Invader Johnny chapter 3 . 8/15
Ronnie Anne is going to talk to Lincoln, I sure hope the talk doesn't go south after all the talk with her folks was emotionally draining and then some, it didn't go well but it didn't go bad either.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
dextermed16 chapter 2 . 7/6
Love this story! Where's the next chapter?
draco0xd chapter 2 . 5/10
This got pretty interesting, I really want to see where this story is going to end. I really hope I can see the next chapter soon. Keep up the good work.
CarlFan2020 chapter 2 . 5/10
Very descriptive of how Ronnie Anne feels. Also, great summary.
draco0xd chapter 1 . 5/10
I really love this story, you make de best, cutest and most heartwarming ronniecoln stories. I the best part is that you are actually a good writer. I cant avoid to wonder, do you have any study on the matter or learned reading a lot?
Invader Johnny chapter 2 . 5/8
Ronnie Anne's world turned upside down and it's only a matter of time till she has to tell Lincoln and when that happens, I wonder how that will go.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
the gaming zombie writer chapter 2 . 5/8
Alright, you've got my attention. Let's see where this one goes...
Boris Yeltsin chapter 2 . 5/8
Love this so far.
Outsider316 chapter 1 . 2/22
ko777 chapter 1 . 2/16
Update soon
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