Reviews for Hana
SomewhatDark chapter 2 . 6/2
I like where this is going, in fact I think this is gonna be a popular story if you continue it. I had the same idea but I’ve never written a fic before so I didn’t start the project. I can see the potential this story has and great job on the execution
halibellover chapter 3 . 4/18
I really like where this is going hopping for am update soon.
ThR1992 chapter 3 . 3/28
Tsunade does not have the slightest right to be angry with Orochimaru, she abandoned her friends and son; I don't know how Naruyo would react when he learned that his beloved grandmother abandoned his father and if Minato's paternity would have any relevance or would only remain as the result of sex with a common drunk.
RiIl chapter 3 . 3/13
Konoha in general needs more description, without reference images the readers would have no information on the weather, architecture, plebeians, or even the existence of obvious structures such as the giant faces covering the Horizon. You have created isolated scenes with characters, but have little to link them together.
RiIl chapter 3 . 3/13
The story needs something more interesting to happen, the start had some character development that alluded to a skill we already know Naruto has from the description, but so far the main plot has yet to kick off. What's Narutos goals? Where is the story headed? These are things that must be established early on, and yet all we have gotten is almost irrelevant bits of the main characters past. Yes these scenes are important to show the reader the divergence Tsunade's life had from the original work, but the story isn't about Tsunade, stuff like this could be introduced later when such information is relevant to the plot.
AnnarchyLives chapter 1 . 2/21
Okay so before I go on, I have never read the original, but I really want you to know that this first chapter is just GAH fucking adorable!
Guest chapter 3 . 2/14
Uʰʰʰʰʰʰ you already said tsunade was his mother last chapter
marquis.shax chapter 3 . 2/15
so there's no connection between Shizune and Tsunade in this story?
girrr chapter 3 . 2/15
Awesome sauce
girrr chapter 2 . 2/15
Just the flashback
XxDragon King DragneelxX chapter 3 . 2/15
Oh nice now we get to see if they will try to keep this under wraps or tell the village! I especially look forward to Hiruzens reaction!
And tsunade has no right to be mad a jiraiya for "letting" orochimaru die if anyone let hom die its her for breaking up a 3 man cell. But I'm interested to see where you plan on going with this fic not many like this about. I just hope you don't spend to long with hom as a kid those fics get boring fast man.
Antex-The Legendary Zoroark chapter 3 . 2/14
Ooh! So the truth has been revealed! At least to Sarutobi and Mikoto! I can only wonder how this’ll change Naruto’s future? The main question though...who is Naruto’s grandfather? The one Tsunade had Minato with?
Raven097 chapter 3 . 2/14
Nice chapter
Flying Raijin chapter 3 . 2/14
you repeated the tsunade scene, it was already in the last chapter...

so no, no one was surprised that tsunade was minato's mother.
Kuman chapter 3 . 2/14
Wow. I am honestly impressed with how you changed events in timeline to match Tsunade leaving the village much earlier than in canon. Orochimaru dying against Hanzo is understandable with only Jiraiya surviving when you consider Tsunade wasn't there. Now i wonder what kind of villains will Konoha face because, while i absolutely hated the guy, Orochimaru was a fantastic villain nevertheless.

I know that this Tsunade never met Dan and doesn't know Shizune but I hope you don't forget about her. I wager she would be a very strong Jounin by now considering she was quite powerful even after spending so many years as a vagabond with Tsunade.

Btw, i think you made a mistake in the 7th or 8th paragraph from the top. The last sentence "Especially at the young age of thirty-nine" i think you meant seventeen instead.
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