Reviews for Fire and Powder
DragonMaster65 chapter 1 . 2/9
"Oh I'm not mad at him... I just wish he would rot in hell" - this line had me CACKLING!

I love the back and forth between them. It's not effortless. They have to work at it, just like in canon, to really get to be on the same sort of side. I love the theme of fighting being easier yet both of them being much more content to be together.

Even the set up of a stuffy literature teacher versus the hands-on mechanic is great. And I adore how Rey doesn't let him forget that she's smart, just in a different way (She did have to go to college to teach! Her skillset is different but also valuable! Though I liked that he could use a toolbox, too, from Han).

Thanks for writing & sharing.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/8
This was so adorable! You’re an amazing writer!
Royan Granger-Nott chapter 1 . 2/7
Very cute! Thanks for sharing
Guest chapter 1 . 2/6
Um, yes! This is so cute! I am in love with this story. Please tell me you're doing a follow-up to this?