Reviews for The Suits Project
TheJDSgames chapter 6 . 8/31
I hope you keep updating this or make a Season 10. This is really good. Really enjoyed it.
Suzanne Melton chapter 6 . 6/21
Thank you for all the work you two put into this.

Per usual, Louis Litt gets me choked up.
Paulsen-Specter chapter 6 . 6/22
The moment I saw the lyrics, I started singing loudly in my room. How I wish it was there for us to see the plot. Beautiful stuff you got there.
Jessicaa1567 chapter 6 . 6/15
Awww this was beautiful ! Loved it so much !
specterxpaulsen chapter 6 . 5/31
I hadn't had the time to read it, but this was amazing! I had goosebumps everytime I read the intro song, and Darbey omg, I loved every part of it and I wasn't ready for the last words, dedicated to the online suits family, I'm in tears, thanks for such a great story
babzfgm chapter 6 . 5/26
I’m crying.
This was so beautiful.
Honestly perfection. Love it.
I’m gonna miss this. The perfect ending for the perfect story. 3
soliflukcja chapter 6 . 5/17
Breathe in, breath out.

I remember first tweet with the announcement of this fic. I was so thrilled that someone is gonna write the second part of season nine. It was last year, now we have May and I can't believe it's over.

You did a great job! Every chapter is so interesting and considered. And of course well written. I really like the plot - events in Seattle, the pregnancy and coming back. Everything here is amazing.

Thank you a lot! For this idea, for taking time, for writing, for everything. You are so talented people. I'd like to see your version of season ten, of course! You're the best.

Lots of love, kisses, greetings
Guest chapter 6 . 5/14
Love it— thanks for writing
Guest chapter 6 . 5/14
Dear Sarah and May,

This story has come to an end but I’m sure there’s gonna be more to come (or at least that’s what my head wants to believe).
Your writing is out of this world and truly a gift to this fandom. Thank you both for all the time and effort you’ve put in for this. And most importantly, thank you for sharing your stories with us!
I still have bookmarked the first tweet from the Suits Project account. I remember that day when I thought that this fic was going to be the death of me but I was more than ready for it. Well it did, kill me.

I still consider myself new around here and I know we don’t talk at all but I wanted you both to know that I'm always so impressed with everything you two post and often wish I could do at least a fraction of the things you do.

I’d love to talk to either of you and get to know you. I once wrote to Sarah when I created my account (I don’t know if you remember haha). I hope I can make some friends with awesome people like you.
I can't wait for the next ones️
Agus ( PaulsenSpecter1)
Guest chapter 6 . 5/14
Guest chapter 1 . 5/14
Thank you so much for this amazing hard work and beautiful story!

I hope you will update the book of you and I
Irene chapter 6 . 5/14
Aaaahhhh, lovely ending to 916. All back where they are meant to be!
Thanks so much for writing this girls, it’s been a journey!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/14
It’s was the perfect ending! I really wish there was more though!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/13
I love this! Amazing job!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/13
Thank you for writing this- I loved the entire story
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