Reviews for Unwritten Rules of Sexual Attraction
Jessicaa1567 chapter 1 . 2/8
This was hot!
drimicheletti chapter 1 . 2/4
this was funny and hot! I love bi Donna!
Specter-Paulsen chapter 1 . 1/30
Ok so I’m waaaayyyyy late in posting this review which is terrible of me and I apologise!

First of all, THANK YOU for this fic! It’s hot and it’s sweet and it’s fun and it’s sexy and it’s a whole bunch of things rolled into one, which is completely your forte in writing - giving the reader a well-rounded story that explores various angles and perspectives!

You did a wonderful thing in writing and posting this; stretching yourself as a writer, having the courage to post something “different” as well as opening up the minds of the fandom to other possibilities.

Obviously I’ve already told you all the things I love about it, and left various crazy comments on the doc, but I have to say again how HOT all of it is; that kiss between Samantha and Donna is spectacular and it’s no wonder Harvey can’t help himself.

And as you know, I’m a major Samtrina fan so I was ecstatic to see someone else write them too and you did them justice and more! Next stop: a full lady smut fic :p

What a fabulous piece of writing... definitely going to the top of my favourites list!

Em xx
babzfgm chapter 1 . 1/26
PrisonBreakFan08 chapter 1 . 1/23
I usually don't like Darvey to share but I'll make an exception… Yep, that was hot. I mean, Samantha and Donna *would* make a hot couple (if I wasn't hopelessly a Darvey fan) and adding Katrina to the mix was a brilliant idea! Jealous Harvey is always fun and Donna being a tease is not surprising when we think about it... Thank you for this fic!
AimeeValle1 chapter 1 . 1/21
*flame emoji flame emoji flame emojiinsert in empty space)
AimeeValle1 chapter 1 . 1/21
Ummmmmmm. Woah.

Okay, let me get myself together so I can comment on what this fic did to me ...



You know I love your style so so much. You manage to make every fic you write so fun to read but you can still bring the pain, the angst, and the

Can’t wait to see what you come up with next. ️
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21
Since I already messed up and submitted the wrong review, I will have to write this one as a guest, haha. Thai story was so fun to read. I love all your original ideas so much and it was the perfect story for a fun read. The tension between Donna and Harvey was almost unbearable and I could literally feel through your words just how much they wanted each other. I loved the way you portrayed the push and pull and added the little extra fun of Katrina and Samantha exploring their relationship. And it was so damn hot. Incredible, thank you Sarah and sorry again.
ematutina chapter 1 . 1/21
Omg... so sexy and Samantha Donna and Katrina kissing was something I never even thought about but boy am I glad I am now!
Sbstevenson2 chapter 1 . 1/21
Haha this was a perfect mix of jealousy, humor and hot! I love that Samantha knew why Donna was flirting with her and then she got with Katrina. Harvey and Donna at the end were funny and I can just imagine Harvey’s face when she said never say never lol loved it!
lennnaxoxo chapter 1 . 1/21
Dear Blue, I must be the latest to arrive at the party that is this fic, but I’m glad it waited for me. From the start I knew it would be great, because the title is already so promising. I mean thumbtacks, hello. I started reading, realized it was precanon, smiled and immediately got stuck at the third paragraph.

"Their history has scattered around them like shards of broken glass, and they've become experts at tiptoeing around it without ever giving any indication they're aware the damage exists." - wow that’s just absolutely touching and captures the essence of their struggles into a beautiful nutshell and you continue to do so throughout the fic.

"Come up with me?" I loved the bluntness if this line so much.
Omg and you included another one of my fic weaknesses: zero signal, trapped together, no one around. What a dream, haha.

I loved the subtleness of their banter you incorporated, the way he called her out for gawking and simply the bliss that is them. Thank you for writing. What a lovely piece.