Reviews for Someone to Watch Over Me
Jbug47 chapter 16 . 5/26
Very interesting story, completely different from most I have read. I really enjoyed reading it very much. Don’t let reviewers get you down. More than likely they could not come close to what you have accomplished! Great job!
jag389 chapter 16 . 5/10
Just finished this in one setting, to funny at one point came to see had me laughing that loud.
Hope you and your are still safe and well.
Nathalie chapter 16 . 5/2
A very good story. You could continue with a second part that tells where the Rick and Kate story continues. It would be great
TORONTOSUN chapter 16 . 4/28
I like the ending. I like Ryan in this story too.
SharonS chapter 16 . 4/27
NO bad feelings from me, I'm just glad that you finished the story. I am a dedicated Castle fan and appreciate all the stories that are written. Thank You!
jennkyle chapter 16 . 4/26
I just loved the story so much great job once again and I can't wait for your next story
leingh chapter 16 . 4/26
it was a good story
Castle4Eva chapter 16 . 4/26
thanks for the story. I look forward to your next one.
life's a mystery chapter 16 . 4/26
i’m glad it all worked out
DREAMWRITER 08 chapter 16 . 4/26
Thank you for another great adventure always.
Be safe and have a good week.
Swordwriter chapter 16 . 4/26
Great finish to the story. although it would have been more fun to see The POS go feet first into the mulcher or at least the saw blade.
sasans chapter 16 . 4/26
That certainly didn't lack for action. I am glad that Kevin, Rick and Kate are okay. Rick may still be in trouble but I expect will eventually be all right and still have the girl. Thank you for the story.
Perfgen chapter 16 . 4/26
That'll get the old heart rate up.
ucsbdad chapter 16 . 4/26
Good story, although since I had seen the movie and remembered it, I pretty much knew what was coming. But, anything that ends with Caskett is good for me.

Thanks for sharing.
dopeysac chapter 16 . 4/26
Thank you for another great story. Stay safe.
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