Reviews for TAMING AVA or FIXING JAX -- A Modern Fairytale
Damasco chapter 46 . 7/30
This honeymoon promises
Grace chapter 46 . 7/30
Jax is that Ava has the kind of relationship that you just want to read / watch, because they are terrible in real life but very funny.
hateme101 chapter 46 . 7/30
wow this marriage is really going to be a struggle for the both of them. you couldnt find more people in different worlds, on different levels than these two. lol, love the story update soon.
fictionnut2020 chapter 46 . 7/29
Oh chin up Ava. Spoiled little bitch. At least he is trying and you are just being a bitch!
Damasco chapter 45 . 7/20
Jax Teller likes attention, especially from women, this chapter left me in doubt if Jax will remain faithful
Grace chapter 45 . 7/20
Ava and Jax making concessions is a good start to the marriage, because something tells me it won't last.
Shantigal chapter 45 . 7/20
Those last 2 lines...priceless
Grace chapter 44 . 7/13
Damascus is right it happens to everyone.
Grace chapter 44 . 7/11
Let's see if Ally can kill Jax.
Damasco chapter 44 . 7/11
It's okay, who never made a mistake.
Grace chapter 43 . 7/6
Poor Ava, I just want to give her a hug and punch Jax is TB.
hateme101 chapter 43 . 7/6
love it
Grace chapter 42 . 7/2
TB is the type of person who never takes responsibility for what he does is always blaming others.
hateme101 chapter 42 . 7/2
wow Jax must of felt so akward sitting there
Grace chapter 41 . 6/28
"but he hated letting Ava go her way with anything."
You can see more and more similarities between Jax and Gemma.

Ava is beginning to appreciate Jax's beauty, I can't blame him.
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