Reviews for Dawn of Arrowverse Justice
red lighting chapter 8 . 2/17
Just read the whole story and I think I'm in love with it it's so good can't wait to read the next chapter it hurts
Enkay5968 chapter 8 . 2/17
Absolute beauty
Guest chapter 7 . 2/8
I love this story. When are you going to update next? Please do it soon.
Anonymous chapter 7 . 1/31
Also Lena and Kara! ️
Anonymous chapter 7 . 1/31
Aahh my heart. This is so cute. I want Thea to come home soon and Malcolm to be dealt with.
OllielovesDinah chapter 5 . 1/26
I love everything about this story. The plot, the characters, the road they have ahead. Very original. Good job.
Matt9917 chapter 5 . 1/26
Great chapter, please kkeep making more, really like this story.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/24
Do Lauriver, she is the only one that truly can tolerate him without making him hypocritical.
Adtr509 chapter 4 . 1/24
Olyssa for the pairing in this fic.
Anonymous chapter 4 . 1/23
Oooh things are happening. I'm excited to see more of team Arrow and team Supergirl.
Stephane Klein chapter 4 . 1/23
genial j'adore
LycoX chapter 4 . 1/23
Why exactly is Sara mad at Oliver over Laurel's death in the original? That makes no sense as its not like he intentionally caused it.
OllielovesDinah chapter 3 . 1/21
The reunions were bittersweet. I was expecting Kara to pick James and ofcourse Thea to pick Roy but your reasoning for them and who they did pick sounded better. I'm surprised Kate didn't pick Sophie but I stopped following Batwoman so I have no idea what's transpired and I haven't followed Flash since Jessie went back to Earth 2 the first time and never have followed the Legends. So in many ways fanfiction is my canon. The Lance family are whole again ( CW Dinah doesn't count). The original
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21
"Dawn of Arrowverse Justice". I'm not so sure about that title, it just doesn't sound right. How about "Arrowverse: Rebirth", or "A New Dawn", or "Arrowverse: New Dawn" or "Arrowverse: Dawn of a New Age". I was going to also suggest something along the lines of "Arrowverse: Second Chance", but there are already too many Fanfics out there that include the words "Second Chance" in their title.
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