Reviews for Different Ways to Fall
Elizabeth chapter 12 . 10/6
So good! But I wonder if you could do a sequel? With Fleix getting the dog collar? He could be called the “Hound” after The Hound of Baskerville! I think he would figure out that his girlfriend is ladybug. Could lead to their first fight. Not breakup, just a fight.

I just wonder how Chat would handle his cousin dating his ladybug. Never mind that she liked him first!
BookCat62408 chapter 4 . 9/24
Go get him, Kagami!
badbloodkiller1 chapter 11 . 9/18
With how angry Mrs. Rossi is, I'm surprised there wasn't an akuma fluttering by.
ITZnina chapter 12 . 9/8
I love the story
BazilFay chapter 12 . 8/24
I loved it all!
Raine McL chapter 12 . 8/19
Awww that was lovely
LavaLilly chapter 12 . 8/17
Yous seem to really know your stuff, and that made your story all the more satisfying with your efforts and details.
Kkcats chapter 12 . 7/28
Yes, I date really would.
This is a great story and I love it. Good job.
QueenOfMean chapter 12 . 6/21
You have highly satisfied me dear author ...! Marinettte and Félix clearly looked like an item... ! But this is not what actually satisfied me...What made me more satisfied was to witness 'lie-la' swallow her own venom. Even though the scene was very interesting where 'lie-la' was busted by her mother but I would have loved to see ' lie-la's ' mother slap her daughter that the force of the hit would make 'lie-la' fall backwards in the ground and then her body being dragged by her mother in such a force that 'lie-la' wouldn't even be able to walk as her body is on the ground as she is being dragged humiliatingly as if she was a huge dump of garbage ...And after seeing my most favorite girl, " MARINETTTE's " wrist being temporarily broken by that disgusting piece of shit 'lie-la'...I would most definitely love lie-la's hair being pulled out and shaved by the girls in Marinettte's class and also lie-la being made to walk naked in the whole Paris and let people throw stones, rotten fruits and vegetables and also eggs on her as she is a f***ing witch and a shameless slut. I would also like it if all the boys from Marinettte's class try to break her nose, or punch her face and even break her rib bones along with her hands and legs...untill everyone in the city turn to look at her to only laugh and whisper behind her back , throw disgusting looks at her, insult her face and scribble on it with a permanent marker pen ... And finally spit on her face ... ️

Maybe you could even make a short fanfiction dedicated to lie-la's misery for lie-la haters ...
RoseShower chapter 12 . 6/14
The satisfaction of seeing Lila suffer is unmeasuarble. That whole thing? amazing. Impeccable. I loved it.
VioletRose2202 chapter 12 . 6/3
Oh my gosh, YES YES YES! This story made me so happy I literally cried, yes I cried. The story was so sweet and realistic that it just made me so happy. Lila definitely got what she deserved and in a very realistic way. Thank you author and kisses
Guest chapter 12 . 5/27
This the tenth time I'm reading This and I still love it thank you so much.
Atea1793 chapter 12 . 5/29
I may be a hardcore Adrienette shipper, but I have to admit you did a bang-up job with this story!
Carrot fish chapter 12 . 5/22
I absolutely adore your writing!
The reveal though that's just mmmmh, delicious.
Lila has what's coming for her and how you wrote all the punishments it's just so satisfying.

Thank you for writing such a great story and the two are such a cute dynamic ( •ω• )
TLTLI chapter 12 . 4/13
I really enjoyed this, especially that parts where Marinette stood up for herself and Lila go her just desserts
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