Reviews for Janitor's Closet
BizarreBard chapter 2 . 7/28
Gahhhhh, *extreme pterodactyl screech* this story sizzles and I really really hope to see more, way after that last line!
Chaos Hunter 25 chapter 2 . 7/12
Update please.
lorimori05 chapter 2 . 4/29
I love this. I can't wait to read more. Im so excited. lol
gonztel chapter 2 . 4/1
Ok... think I need a reaaaally cold shower. Fuck!
RockLovert chapter 2 . 3/29
Intense ... I want to read the rest of the story to see how all this continues!
ApNxEch0 chapter 2 . 3/29
More pls
KA217541 chapter 2 . 3/9
Mother effing quality right here. Cannot wait for the next chapters.
Guest chapter 2 . 2/22
More please, can't wait for the elsanna!
Ramone Reezy chapter 1 . 2/5
More more more
Kuroimori chapter 2 . 2/4
and the "plotthickens as for the brunette I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Belle she tends to be who has Elsa BEFORE Anna in a LOT of stories this is going to fun to see play out
ChocolateCookieCream chapter 2 . 1/26
Holy hot smoke on a bun, that was an incredible chapter, I don't even know where to start with the praise!

Firstly your writing is really great and fluid as I have no trouble following it along and I'm really sucked into the story and Anna's character. You write her so likeable and I love Esmeradla's teasing at the beginning. I honestly wouldn't mind seeing their private lessons together and see what their chemistry would be like together. Then that scene with Anna watching Elsa again with the brunette. I'm not sure who the brunette is, but I'm looking forward to finding who she is and what her relationship is to Elsa. You write the sexual tension so well. I can feel Anna's desire steaming from the screen, and I love how dominating you make Elsa with her own unique way of teasing Anna. The build-up to their eventual scene is superb and I could read so many more scenes of them like this if you're planning on writing more, you're so good at it. Maybe Elsa will give Anna her own private show? Or will they jump straight into it once they're alone and now that they're going to finally meet officially.

I'm so looking forward to the next chapters of this story. You are a great writer and I also love the ideas you have written on your profile too. Keep up the good work, you've got great talent.
SonderAndLife chapter 2 . 1/26
Was wondering how you would continue this. Gotta say, I'm rather relieved it didn't jump straight to Anna and Elsa having sex.

You're portraying a very dominate Elsa who just has Anna completely enraptured, even though Elsa seems to be with another person. I think this needs to be handled a little slowly. As of right now, we don't know who the brunette is or what kind of relationship she has with Elsa. With so little description aside from "brunette" it's hard to guess. Is it Belle, Elsa's usual pairing? Is it Honeymaren, the new Belle? Is it Meg? (Though tbh, I couldn't imagine it's Meg, she doesn't strike me as a bottom). Is it Jane? The lack of accent may say otherwise.

Regardless who it is, their current relationship with Elsa, in my opinion, should not be brushed off easily by Anna. If they're together and Elsa starts pursuing Anna, Anna could get upset at her because it implies Elsa isn't faithful and brings in the old question; if you cheat with me, who's to say you won't cheat on me? If Elsa and brunette are just friend's with benefits, Anna could feel like she'd just be another lay for Elsa.

I know this is mostly about the smut, but that doesn't mean you can't inject some real emotion into it. Elsa seems like a rather cocky, confident, ego-driven top. And despite how easily Anna caved during the closet scene, she's still a fierce, fiesty individual. Horny, yes. But not weak or compliant.

You've set a soft foundation for the potential for not one, but two love triangles; Elsa-Brunette-Anna and Elsa-Anna-Esmeralda. Even if Esmeralda's light flirting was in jest, Elsa might not see it so innocently. Especially since you've put all 3 in the same class.

Or you could simply skip the emotion, drama, and angst and go a more carnal route. Whichever way you see fit. Because sometimes it really is just about the smut. Either way, I'll enjoy the ride.

Guest chapter 2 . 1/25
Can't wait for the Elsanna! Hope Anna gets what she is craving and day-dreaming for soon! Love g!p Elsa
dreamcatcher09 chapter 2 . 1/25
WOW! Hot damn i need a second to calm myself! That was so hot! The fact that Elsa was fucking someone else but looking and getting turned on by Anna was so sexy. Cant wait to see how its all going to play out. And i really enjoy esmeralda flirting with anna would love to see a jealous elsa. Oh and your smut scenes are amazing truly fucking sexy! Great chapter cant wait for the next. :)
Sappho82 chapter 2 . 1/25
well that was freaking amazing. I THINK I NEED JESUS
I didn't expect a repeat of the Elsa banging mystery brunette in the closet...but whew, that was hot. I'm really loving Elsa's intense top energy, and Anna is just weak in the knees for it. Smut was top-notch the acts themselves were pretty hardcore, but it just flowed flawlessly. I see you developing your plot here, and I'm really looking forward to Elsa and Anna's student/teacher dynamic...but i'm really hoping you wont make us wait too long for the Elsanna sexytimes ;) but i'm curious as to who the mystery brunette is...I'm gonna guess Belle? Honeymaren?

Also, I'm intrigued by Esmeralda's flirty she for real hitting on Anna, and even if she wasn't the idea that Elsa could notice and be jealous/possessive sounds positively DELICIOUS.

anyway amazing chapter thank you for writing!
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