Reviews for Our Corner of the Galaxy
EliKenobi chapter 3 . 2/20
my god, I came here to heal my broken heart, not have it shattered.

Still, good job. I'm shocked there are so few sith Rey fics out there.
UniKatFox chapter 3 . 2/19
Thanks for finishing the story. Interesting way to end it.
RebelPrincess2015Forever chapter 3 . 2/19
ldyjaydin chapter 3 . 2/18
I really enjoyed this story! The differences from the movies were great, really got me thinking.
ldyjaydin chapter 2 . 2/18
Funny how it ends up so similar...

I love the scene in his bedroom. And when they killed Smoke. The differences were awesome.
ldyjaydin chapter 1 . 2/18
Very interesting idea, making Rey another Stormtrooper who'd been kidnapped as a child. The tenderness Kylo shows her is such a good contrast to his temper.
EliKenobi chapter 2 . 1/20
I love the idea of Rey as a storm trooper. Looking forward to a third installment!
Royan Granger-Nott chapter 2 . 1/20
Oh my god, that is something else! I said it before but I really like what you did here. Brilliant, now they are in a similar situation as in the end of TLJ, but how are you going to continue this?
Samantha chapter 2 . 1/20
Interesting premise. God bless.
Royan Granger-Nott chapter 1 . 1/16
Oh wow, I Love the idea here and couldn’t stop reading. So looking forward to your next chapter
WinterRavens25 chapter 1 . 1/13
I love this story! I like the new point of view! Can’t wait to read more!
ReyRen chapter 1 . 1/12
So good! Can't wait to read more!
Cami chapter 1 . 1/12
Love it!
CryoPotato chapter 1 . 1/12
I’m confused
BubbaSue chapter 1 . 1/12
A bit rushed but, I liked it :)