Reviews for Camping Campaigns
Guest chapter 7 . 7/24
Chapter 8 soon please, it's so good
weirdtheaterchild chapter 7 . 7/20
Yay! This chapter was really good (though I miss Peggy) and I can't wait for future ones! Great job! Also Hamilton was amazing! One of my friends stayed up till like three in the morning watching it. :)
hitthepin chapter 7 . 7/19
The film is indeed a masterpiece. Everything that a fan could hope for.

Is there a place where you could post your art? I’m intrigued, and I’m sure it’s good.

Also, RIP Peggy. The campers are just dropping like flies.
LambsLams chapter 6 . 6/30
This is really cool! I like this story a lot, you're a good writer. And nooooo Johnnn my childddd T-T
weirdtheaterchild chapter 6 . 6/29
I'm really excited about this chapter, it was really amazing! Keep up the great work and Happy Pride Month to you as well!
hitthepin chapter 6 . 6/27
“Greetings and salutations”? How very. Now, take these five million, because the aliens are coming soon.

Anyways, another good chapter. I’m quite engaged. Keep up the good work.
Shaeril McBrown chapter 1 . 5/29


UnderlyingLiberosis chapter 5 . 5/22
I love this story!. It's just the break I needed from all the spicy drama going on in other fics. This one is so sweet and innocent. Btw, people(including me) ship lams cuz they had an affair doing the revolutionary wars and wrote suggestive, poetic letters to each other. If you want, you can read one of them here .gov/?qAuthor%3A%22Hamilton%2C%20Alexander%22%20Recipient%3A%22Laurens%2C%20John%22&s2111311121&r1
I also love Hamliza and I haven't seen a lot of it on these forums, so it was nice to see it on here -
Cabeswater's Assassin chapter 5 . 5/22
Lams is a ship because Alexander and John wrote suggestive letters to each other. It's historically canon. (In fact, Lafayette may have been involved with them too) Also, in the cemetery near where I live, there's a grave for someone named Lipshitz who died in the 1920s. Coincidence? I think not.
Cabeswater's Assassin chapter 2 . 5/22
Why does it not surprise me that Charles Lee is the first to go missing? Excellent work. As a fan of creepy-murder mystery stories and musicals, this is like a dream come true. But I hope no one dies. (Except Charles Lee. Maybe)
weirdtheaterchild chapter 5 . 5/22
I'm so glad you updated! I really like this story so far and I'm excited to see what happens next! Also I wasn't sure if your question was rhetorical or not so I'm going to assume it's not (rhetorical). People ship Lams because of the fact that John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton actually had an affair. This was during the war, before Alexander met Eliza. This affair is proven by letters written to and from the two men, a famous one saying,"Cold in my professions, warm in my friendships, I wish, my Dear Laurens, it might be in my power, by action rather than words, to convince you that I love you." Also in the musical Alexander and John have a lot of physical contact, more than other characters due, along with the lines "Laurens, I like you a lot." and "You're the closest friend I've got." Sorry for my ramblings and keep up the awesome work!
SunhatLlama16 chapter 4 . 4/1
Take all the time you need for your writing! I am also a school student so I know how it feels at the moment.
KillgarraghForever chapter 1 . 3/30
Have you watched supernatural?
Elkie chapter 3 . 3/19
I really like your book! I hope you update more chapter 3 can't wait too see what happens next
SunhatLlama16 chapter 3 . 3/3
YAY AN UPDATE! I was afraid you abandoned this! But don't feel pressured to update. Update when you want and if you have the time, I will wait. I love this story a lot and I am super excited for the rest of this story!
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